Chapter 22,

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As soon as Dimitri had spoken she knew something was wrong, he didn't sound like himself and it worried her. She didn't like not knowing things. She wanted him to confide in her and trust her with his problems, she was a bright woman and she had solutions to a lot of things. But this problem of his was a part of something she knew essentially nothing about. She knew what he was and what he did, yet it didn't faze her one bit. She loved her mafia man.

A day at the spa had been just what she and Lissa needed, it had been a long day of doing nothing and Rose had never in her life been so relaxed for this amount of time. There was always something troubling her, even though she was worried about Dimitri she knew he would never break his promise to her and she waited rather impatiently for his call.

As she walked from the bathroom connected to their suite she felt a presence near her that was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. "Boris? Vlad?" No reply was given and her heart started pounding louder and faster in her chest, she felt her heartbeat in her head, the 'thump, thump, thump' made her anxiety worse and she was terrified.

Suddenly a large hairy hand covered her mouth, and Rose did the first thing that popped into her head. She bit him, hard. She could taste the metallic taste of his blood in her mouth, much to her disgust. The man grunted but kept his hold on her. Rose didn't like being restrained and rather than building her fear she just got more angry. This was her vacation weekend and this man was ruining it.

Rose dug her teeth deeper into his hand and started shaking her head from side to side like a wild animal tearing the flesh from their prey. This time the man gave a shout as her teeth ripped his skin, it surprised Rose just how much damage a human bite could do. Then in an instant she saw three other unknown men in her room. This was so not her ideal getaway.

One of the men tried grabbing her legs while another tried prying her hand away from the man holding her. She kicked her feet and swung her arms around like a mad woman and this time she dug her teeth as far as she could possibly get them. The man currently held captive by her mouth shouted louder this time and swore in what sounded like italian.

Then the door to her room burst off its hinges and Vlad and Boris came rushing in with their guns in the air and the dangerous air of the killers they were. Two of the four men charged in their direction, but the size difference between the two large Russians and the Italian's was very large. There was no chance that Vlad or Boris would allow them to even get a single jab in their direction.

Boris with his large and boxy frame simply hit one of the men with the end of his gun and the man went falling to the ground. Vlad however, liked his gun and he loved using it more, so he simply aimed at the other man's kneecap and shot.

Rose was getting really angry now, there were still two men holding her and moving her in the direction of the large room window. She fought as hard as she could, kicking, hitting and biting as hard as her body would let her. Finally Boris noticed her struggle and came to her rescue followed by a stone faced Vlad. Boris removed the man holding Rose's legs by picking him up by the collar of his shirt and flinging him across the room like he weighed nothing at all, Vlad however seemed very happy with the way Rose was handling herself so he simply handed her his gun while the brute holding her had his focus trained on him.

Taking the gun from Vlad, Rose placed it against the man's thigh and before he could comprehend what had happened she had pulled the trigger and finally she was free from the greasy and hairy blood covered hand.

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