Chapter 29, Belikova

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Sorry for the late upload, but here it is :D (It is a bit short)

Hope everyone is safe and powering through these confusing times, sending you all my love.


Yours Truly

- Lovetwist


Ibrahim gently led his wife through reception with Aidan and Cameron in front of them and Ian a few steps behind. Janine was not having any of this 'she's fine honey' bullshit her husband had been giving her and he knew it.

Coming to a halt at the front desk Janine pushed both her sons to her side with strength they didn't know she had in that tiny body of hers. Janine slammed her hand down on the table startling the two nurses sitting at their computers typing

"My daughter, where is she?!" Both of the nurses looked up with a look of fear in their eyes as they looked at the redheaded firecracker standing in front of them with four large men around her with stone cold faces

"Y-your daughter ma'am? I-I need a name to find her"

"Rosemarie Naila Mazur"

Quickly she typed the name into the computer before looking back up at the Mazurs "I do have a Rosemarie N. Belikova on file. She's in room 365, third floor and down the hallway to your right"

All three brothers looked between each other at the last name she read out of the file and then they turned to their father who only shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

Janine didn't even blink an eye at what the nurse read, she didn't care all she wanted to do was see her daughter and be by her side. Janine didn't wait for her boys to follow she strode to the elevator and repeatedly jabbed her finger into the arrow pointing up as if it was going to force the elevator to go any faster

"Janine dear, you need to relax" Abe said calmly behind her, he knew his daughter was safe, Dimitri was with her and all of the men. Janine swiftly turned to jabb the finger into her husband's chest and growling at him through clenched teeth

"Tell me to calm down one more time Ibrahim Mazur, I bloody dare you. I will not relax until I have my baby in my arms and see that she is in fact all right. Now if you are going to stand here and tell me to bloody calm down you might as well leave" The elevator door opened as she finished talking and she quickly entered turning towards the four stunned males in front of her and snapping "well?!"

The Mazur men all hurried after the angry wife and mother standing with her arms crossed and glaring eyes. The elevator was silent all the way up, no one said a word and no one made a sound before Cameron broke the silence with a question

"You all heard her say Belikova right?" The only replies he got were grunts from his brothers, a shoulder shrug from his father and silence from his still fuming mother.

Finally the elevator door opened and Janine strode out her fists clenched and brows drawn, they turned down the hallway and saw Dimitri standing with a man Abe recognized as Ivan.

Dimitri looked over his shoulder before he turned back and pointed a finger at Ivan who took a step back and placed his hands in front of him.

Janine didn't stop to greet the men. She pushed Dimitri out of the way and stopped in the doorway of the room, her daughter was fast asleep in Olena's arms, one of hers and Abe's oldest and closest friends. Janine let out a sigh of relief as she saw the older woman laying beside her daughter. Taking quiet steps she made her way to the other side of the bed and stroked her daughter's hair.

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