Chapter 9, Signing The Papers

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Fun Fact - This story has 83 pages and  35909 words in all. 

Translations at the bottom.

(unedited) let me know if you see any errors :D 


"I'm sorry Natasha, but I can't do what you ask of me. Your husband has never done anything to me or anyone I care for. Therefore I can't kill him and I suggest you find some other way, because I have read up on Mr.Belikov and I have a feeling he is not a man you should mess with Natasha"

She was fuming. Her face was bright red and her knuckles were white with furry. Her eyes were blazing and Christian, he was grinning from ear to ear watching the scene in front of him unfolding As Ivan told her his conclusion on the matter at hand.

Tasha hadn't known her husband as well as she thought, was the only thing Ivan could think about when he listened to her raging on and on about how he had to help her get her revenge and that she didn't care if Dimitri hadn't done anything to him. She was in one word Crazy! She had lived the most feared man in all of Russia and all the nations that had heard of him.

Ivan was never going to kill Dimitri, he wouldn't even harm a hair on his head, not that he could. Dimitri was one of the most lethal and cruel men in the world when he was under threat. He didn't need a gun to kill a man, he always said that killing a man with a gun was a coward's way out, that was the way his father used to kill most of his enemies when he was at power. Dimitri had always been more of a hands on kind of man and there was no way that Ivan or any of his men could kill Dimitri Alexandr Belikov, he was a killing machine, the man in the myth. He was the unseen ghost, the man of every man's nightmares.

He was The Russian Reaper'- России Жнец

Ivan was at power because of his own father, but he knew that if Dimitri wanted the throne, he would have no other choice but to step down and let him have it. Dimitri was his best friend, yes, but he was the Reaper first. No one but Ivan, Christian and Olena knew who he really was, no one had ever seen Dimitri's face and lived to share his identity. The Dimitri he was in public was the man he used to hide his true face and the man he was before he served his time in Russia and became the man Ivan knew today.

Tasha was lucky to be alive considering who Dimitri was, and the fact that she was testing Ivan's patience at this very moment. Ivan rubbed his temples trying to rid himself of the massive headache she was giving him with her shrill voice and her constant aggressive nagging and shouting at him. She would surely be dead if he left her with Christian, the thought was very appealing at the moment. However she was still Dimitri's wife for the time being, even if he had had his fun saturday evening and had been "unreachable" for the remaining sunday. Ivan smiled a little at the thought of Dimitri being nervous around the new woman in his life, the lovely Rosemarie Mazur, and if anyone would have the honor of killing this dreaded woman it should be the man who had to endure and live with her for so many years.

"That's enough Tasha, I'm not killing him and that's final. Now get out, I have work to do, get out and don't bother me again"

Tasha's mouth hung open at the rude interruption as she stared at Ivan sitting behind his large mahogany desk sighing with irritation and rubbing his temples. Then her head whipped around to glare at her brother who was snickering on the couch at the interaction.

"Shut up, Christian this does not concern y..." Tasha was suddenly cut of when the ringing of her phone interrupted her rampage. Digging roughly through her purse she forcefully pulls out her phone and taps it aggressively before pressing it to her ear and barking into it still glaring at Ivan

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