Chapter 15, Moving in

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Hello everyone,  I'm back, I'm so sorry it has taken so long but my life is so crazy right now. Law school is so much work and there is so much reading I really haven't been doing anything else. But, better late than never Right? :D 

Hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think in the comments or pm me ! Love to you all and Thank you so much for being patient :D 

This is UNEDITED  and rather Mature !!!


Rose had been home for an hour after she'd visited her mother for the evening while her brothers and father had their weekly poker night. She was enjoying her book and glass of wine when there was a knock at the door. With a loud huff she places down her book and took a big sip of her wine. As she headed towards her door she remembered her attire. A red see through Night dress and a short matching robe, so what she had hoped Dimitri would show up, closing the robe she shouted at the door

"Who is it ?"

"It's me, open up Roza" Dimitri's soothing voice came from the other side, the hair on her arms rose at the sound and she couldn't help the smile forming on her face.

"Dimitri? What are you doing here?" unlocking and opening the door for him she could feel her heartbeat pick up, flinging the door open with a little more force than normally, she saw Dimitri standing there in all his glory with two full duffle bags and four dry cleaning bags in his hands.

Her stunned face brought a smile to his, leaning in he kissed her lovingly before making his way inside her apartment and heading towards her bedroom. Walking into her closet he shook his head at the amount of clothing and shoes one woman could own, all her shelves and hangers were full with shirts, skirts, pants and dresses.

Then the amount of shoes on her shoe rack blew his ever loving mind, the woman only had two feet. He noted she had three pairs of some shoes but all in different colors of course. Still shaking his head Dimitri started to move things around as if he owned the place.

            Rose had followed him after she'd stood there in front of her door for a few minutes trying to understand what he was doing. When she saw he had ventured into her bedroom she hastened her step until she came to a halt in front of her walk in closet, where he was shuffling around, moving things and finally when he was satisfied with his work he picked up his suit bags and hung them beside her dresses. Then he opened both duffle bags and began putting stuff away in one shelf after another. His socks, underwear, t-shirts, sweats and everything else he might possibly need.

"Dimitri, not that I don't like having you here it's just that uhh...what exactly are you doing here? As in here" Rose said waving her hand around the closet "in my closet?"

"I'm moving some of my stuff in here" he said matter o'factly as he put the finishing touches on his so called project, his face was focused and it made Rose warm in all the right places.

"Why though?" Rose asked him once again as he came to a halt in front of her wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. Wrapping her own arms around his neck Rose gave a satisfying sigh when his warmth surrounded her.

"Because" he said kissing her neck "I like being close to my woman and keep her safe" his kisses continued to travel down her neck, tilting her head back Rose allowed him better access to her naked skin.

Dimitri kissed and nipped at her skin between kisses, loving the her natural smell which was so purely female, her skin and hair were always so soft to the touch. He loved this woman unconditionally with all he had and all he didn't have, he'd do anything for his woman. He was a king of an empire, even if it was kept secret from other members, and that made her a Queen. His queen no matter if she was aware of it or not.

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