Chapter 5, Interruption

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Rose's POV

I'm sitting here trying to focus on my work and I must be going out of my mind because I feel like I can actually smell his aftershave, It's making me all fidgety, hot and I have to squeeze my thighs together to relieve the ache between them.


A deep sexy russian accented voice travels towards me, making me jump, dropping the pencil I had clenched between my teeth in the process and look up to see those beautiful chocolate brown eyes of the Russian god that hunts me in my sleep, no not just in my sleep, this man's eyes hunt me even when I'm awake.

"I'm here to file for a Divorce"

I'm absolutely breathless, and he knows it, he's smirking at me, that mouthwatering smirk as he comes forward, I take a deep breath and get up from my seat to take his out stretched hand. The moment our skin touches, I feel light headed and i'm afraid my knees are going to give out from under me. After I take a moment to calm down my breathing and quite frankly my labido, I clear my throat.

"Well, Mr.Belikov you've definitely come to the right place"

He takes four long powerful strides towards my desk and he has a smirk plastered on his face when he unbuttons his suit jacket and takes a seat across from me keeping his eyes locked with mine and I can't look away. This man is intoxicating, the scent of his cologne fills my nostrils and his eyes are staring into my soul. I feel like if he would just look a little closer he would know all my dirty little secrets.

"That's what I thought." he replies with a pantie droping smirk, taking a seat in front of my desk

"So Mr. Belikov, what are the terms of your marriage agreement did either of you sign a prentup or something there a like?"

"Yes, I had my lawyer get Natasha to sign a prenup with an Infidelity clause, which she obviously broke"

We both freeze at that moment and our eyes link again. This is a very uncomfortable situation, considering she cheated on him with his college friend and my so called boyfriend. He looks uncomfortable and he has to adjust himself in his seat, for the first time since he came into my office he avoids eye contact. He clears his throat before speaking

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

I shake my head at give him a small smile and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear

"No don't worry about it, he's an asshole and I was stupid not to notice it sooner"

Why am I telling him this? Because it's easy, that's why.

"You're not stupid Ms.Mazur. You were just unlucky"

His voice is softer than I have ever heard it before but it's not out of pity, it's more of a reassuring type of tone. He's frowning but his features have softened and he looks almost apologetic when he looks at me.

"Yeah, but what does that make you Mr.Belikov?"

He chuckles a little before flashing me a dazzling smile and running a finger across his lower lip

"Well, my soon to be ex-wife's infidelity has earned me $500,000 I think that's something and as a plus this brought me closer to you"

Is he flirting with me right now? At a meeting. About his divorce. And why the hell am I liking it so much?

"I'm glad that something good can come out of this" I mutter More to myself rather than him.

"I agree" He's smirking his ass off and I raise an eyebrow in silent question

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