Chapter 23, Everlasting

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After cutting their vacation short Rose had been a little annoyed, especially at the men trying to kidnap her in her own room. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she had shot a man in the balls and threatened to shoot another. It frightened her how much she had enjoyed shooting someone. The adrenaline that had run through her felt amazing and the sound of her blood rushing through her head. She wanted to do it again.

Lissa had been startled returning form the dining hall, seeing their room full of bloodied and bound men in the middle of the room, and Rose waving the gun around the room like it was her job. She had been quick to accept the fact that they had to return home, it didn't bother her much since Christian would be waiting, and she really wanted to see him again.

She loved spending time with Rose but she had to admit to herself that spending time with Christian was a little more exciting and even she had to admit that she needed a little excitement in her life.

As they reached the mansion, they hurried out of the car making their way into the building. Neither woman wanted to wait another second to see their men. As they reached the door Aleksander stood in the doorway grinning from ear to ear, like he knew something they didn't.

"Hello ladies, back so soon?"

"It seems like you men can't be trusted on your own for a few days without finding yourselves in some-kind of a mess" Rose smirked back

"Ha" Aleksander laughed "It would seem so yes" his smile was light and boyish, too boyish for his strong features. He was a charmer, no doubt.

"Where is he, Aleksander?"

"In his office I would think, since he lives in there when you aren't around"

"Is the big bad mafia member feeling left out?" Rose teased with a dramatic pout of the lips, stepping in-front of him, to make her way into the house.

"No!" Aleksander retorted a little to forcefully to be believable "and it's Bratva Rose, we are a Bratva"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say" rolling her eyes Rose entered through the doorway, walking faster than normal, not wanting to prolong the wait to see Dimitri.

The house was always full of men in suits, as she walked by she received nods of recognition and respect. She was getting used to this feeling of protection, yet so much power.

Finally she caught a glimpse of his office door, before she even noticed her feet moved faster until she was sprinting up the stairs taking two at a time, not even bothering to think about how clumsy she was and her running anywhere was truly a hazardous move.

Not bothering to knock Rose opened the door to the office, and there he was, standing in all his tattooed glory, shirtsleeves drawn up to his elbows leaving his toned tattooed arms in full view, by the window looking rather unpleased with something he was being told on the phone placed on his ear. He was truly glorious.


"Well that's too bad. I truly do not care, Isack. This is a problem you need to solve, not me. You make a mess, you clean it up. Or you'll simply be replaced." Dimitri was about to give the idiot on the phone a single harsh warning when the sound of his office door diverted his attention from the phone in his hand. He could sense her before he saw her, she was home, finally.

She was in his arms before he could blink, he drew in a sigh of relief. She was safe.

"Fix it Isack, and that is not a suggestion" with that he hung up the phone and flung it on the desk before grabbing his woman around the waist, lifting her of the floor so he could hold her even closer as he lay his head in the crook of her neck, while she clung to him.

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