Chapter 26, Basement

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You guys are amazing and I truly love all the support from each and everyone of you.

These times are hard for all of us and I am no exception. Please be patient with me, I will upload when I have good chapters for you. I want to do my very best to make this story as good as it deserves to be and I really want you all to enjoy it.

Please be patient and I'll do my best to post once to twice a month.

Remember to sanitise your hands and wear your masks.

Thank you and be safe

- lovetwist

(for a better experience play the song) ;) 

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Sitting alone in that cold basement wearing nothing but her silk shirt and her panties Rose was freezing to death, her body was shivering and her once rosy red lips had turned blue. Her body was beaten and bruised, her eye swollen so badly she couldn't see, her head was throbbing and she could hear her own faint heartbeat. She didn't know how long she'd been waiting, minutes, hours, days or even weeks. Rose had no clue. She hadn't seen the sunlight since the day she was kidnapped from what she considered her home and she felt ready to have everything to just be over.

The only thing she could think about was that there was no one coming for her, she was all alone in this dark cold basement and this is where her life would end. Alone. The only faces she had seen were the faces of her captors and the man who controlled them all. He was older with thinning gray hair and he had the most vicious smirks Rose had ever seen. That smirk sent chills down her spine and made her fear for her life. Rose had lost her fight she didn't have it in her anymore she was exhausted, neither her body or her mind could take it anymore, Rose had had enough and she wanted to die.


The sound of the basement door brought Rose out of her staring haze, she looked up from the floor and met the eye of the man who brought her so much pain and torment. Victor smiled his chilling smile as he reached the last step of the staircase and looked into Rose's eyes. She saw the satisfaction on his face as he looked her over from her freezing feet to her almost colourless and greasy hair.

Rose had learned to keep her face blank, it made the pain a little more bearable. She hadn't screamed since Victor's son, and her ex Jacob, had beaten her with his belt and only beat her harder every time she cried out when the leather hit her legs and her lower back.

"Hello my little Rose, how are we doing today? Feeling a little chattier than yesterday? I do hope you answer my questions truthfully and without a fight or Jacob will have to beat it out of you. We don't want to damage that beautiful skin of yours any more than we have to"

Looking straight at Victor standing in front of her Rose kept her blank face intact. Show no fear and keep your head held high. She didn't even blink she didn't have the power to, she felt beaten to the end of her limit. Sighing loudly and dramatically Victor turned his head towards the staircase and screamed for his son

"Jacob, get down here boy, and bring that belt with you. Our little Rose needs a little motivation" Waiting a few minutes for his son to reply Victor looked at Rose and then at the staircase again when he heard the stomping of feet coming down the stairs and the loud 'smack'of the belt hitting the wall.

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