Chapter 33, Something old, new, borrowed and blue.

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The day had finally arrived. She was becoming a Belikova.

Dimitri had dropped Rose off at her mothers house the night before, keeping to the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding, Dimitri was nothing if not traditional.

The days before had been hectic and there had been so much to do. Dimitri had decided that they would marry before the baby arrived, which Rose had wholeheartedly agreed to except she hadn't given thought to when Dimitri said soon, he meant a month. A month. Thankfully, Rose's bruises had healed and there was only mild pain in her hand and ribs as it was.

Her mother and soon to be mother- in law had been going non stop helping her plan and make sure everything would be as perfect as the union of the couple in question. Rose got everything she wanted, there was nothing Dimitri couldn't make happen. Rose asked him on multiple occasions what he would like, or his thoughts on something but the only answer she got was "If you're happy so am I" then he would flash her his effortless smile and kiss her forehead when she huffed at his reply. 

This was the man she was marrying, and she wouldn't want him any other way. This was her first and only wedding. Rose knew Dimitri was it for her, he was the one she was going to spend the rest of her life with, give him children and love him unconditionally. He would keep her safe and love her no matter what, he'd already proved that to her.

Rose looked at herself in the mirror and felt like crying. Not out of sadness, but happiness. She never thought she would be getting married, and before thirty. Rose chuckled, wiping away a tear that had escaped her eye.Her dress was perfect, with a sweetheart neckline covered in lace that made its way down her arms in elegant sleeves. The top fabric gathered underneath her breasts and the fabric of the skirt flowing delicately to the floor showing off the slight baby bump underneath. Rose loved being pregnant, it was a gift to be pregnant especially after the first pregnancy had been so brutally taken from her. She cherished this one even more, and no one was going to take this baby away from her. Dimitri, Boris and Vlad were the only ones in the know of the pregnancy. 

However Dimitri was the only one who knew if it was a little Russian prince or a little Russian princess. Rose had wanted to keep it a secret but Dimitri had frowned and scowled throughout the doctor's appointment until Rose had rolled her eyes and told the doctor to tell Dimitri the gender when she'd left the room. After that he had been all big smiles, she even thought she saw a little skip in his step as they left the doctor's office.

A knock on the door made her turn around and grab her flower bouquet placing it in front of her bump to hide it from view in a hurry. "Come in" at her words her father poked his head in and smiled the widest smile she had ever seen. He stepped into the room looking as handsome as ever, he was in a crisp cut suit with his blood red tie around his neck and a matching handkerchief in his pocket.

"You look so beautiful Kizm" he kissed her cheek and smiled at her "are you ready?"

"Never been more ready" Rose replied smiling genuinely at her father "he makes me really happy baba"

"He better or I'll kill him" Abe grumbled wholeheartedly


"I'm kidding. Mostly. Alright darling let's go get you married to the reaper"

"Baba" Rose said halting his steps

"Yes Kizm"

"There's something I want you to know before we go out there"

"What is it darling? Are you having any second thoughts because if you are, I can get you out of here and I know your grandmother will be more than happy to harbour you in Turkey for as long as you need" Abe quickly told her

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