Chapter 24, Gone with the wind.

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The night went by too fast. Rose wanted to lay in bed all day with Dimitri doing nothing, but that would have to wait. They had questions that needed to be answered as soon as they could get out of bed.

"Dimitri" Rose poked his shoulder as he squeezed her to his chest "We need to get going. Dad should be in his office by now" Rose spoke as she peeked at the bedside clock

"Two more minutes" Dimitri mumbled into her hair. Rose chuckled and gave in, what was two more minutes.

Two minutes turned into half an hour. After Rose finally managed to get Dimitri out of the bed and into the shower. She sighed, this was the happiest she'd ever been. She just hoped it would last.

Rose fastened her second earring into her ear when there was a knock on the door. Walking to the door she was greeted with the smiling face of Aleksander.

"Good morning princess, looking lovely this morning"

"Hello, Aleksander" Rose raised an eyebrow "To what do we owe this unpleasant surprise ?"

Aleksander just chuckled at that "Aaa, as funny as ever Rose"

Rolling her eyes at that, she crossed her arms "Aleksander ? why are you here ?"

"Ivan and Christian need to see the big boss as soon as possible. They're waiting his Ivan's office when he's ready"

"Alright" she sighed, guess she'd have to go on her own and meet him at the office "I'll let him know"

"Thanks" Aleksander smiled weakly, as she was about to close the door he spoke again "Hey Rose"


"You really do look lovely today" Then he was gone

Aleksander was an idiot most of the time, but he was a sweetheart when it really came to his core. Rose hated to admit it but the idiot was starting to grow on her.

Rose made her way to the bathroom where Dimitri stood drying off after his shower. He was looking fresh and he smelled even better, his body wash was mouthwatering.

"Who was that ?" his voice was muffled by the towel as he dried his hair

"Aleksander, Beavis and Butthead  want to see you when you're ready"

"Who?" Dimitri chuckled in confusion 

"Ivan and Christian, they're waiting in Ivan's office for you"

"Why ?"

"He didn't say."

"Do you want to wait for me while I meet with them?"

"No" Rose shook her head as she watched him "I'll just go to the office and meet you there when you're done. I need to do some work anyway, might as weel get it over with"

"Alright" Dimitri sighed "I'll be as quick as I can" he promised

"I know" Rose smiled as he walked towards her, bent down and gave her a light kiss before making his way into the closet to get dressed.

It took him no more than two minutes to look like the boss he was, black everything except the tie in his hand. "Help me ?"

Rose nodded and took the red fabric from his fingers and placed it around his neck. She tied it in a knot before smoothing it out and placing his tie clip in place. He looked so handsome. 

Rose smiled at the man looking at his reflection in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction at his appearance.

"Thank you" he directed at Rose wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her in for another soft kiss.

"I'll see you in an hour?"

"Yeah, I'll be waiting"

Then he was gone. Leaving her standing alone and love struck in the middle of the room.

Rose shook her head before taking one last look in the mirror and grabbing her purse, and headed down the large staircase and to the foyer. 

She was rummaging through her purse for her keys when a noise from one of the hallways drew her attention. As she looked up the hairs at the back of her neck stood to attention

"Heading out?" Anton's voice was rough and uninterested

"Umm yeah" Rose nodded with heavy brows "just can't find my keys"

"I'll give you a ride" Anton strode forward "I'm heading to the city anyway

"No it's fine, they're in here somewhere" Rose kept searching her purse as the talked, until she felt a weight on her shoulder where Anton's hand was placed

"I insist" Anton said with a small and unbelievable smile, it looked forced "the boss would want you to be safe"

Rose gave him a sceptical glance thinking it over. This was one of Dimitri's men, Dimitri probably sent him to drive her, that was something he would do. After a few moments Rose gave a sigh and hosted her purse on her free shoulder

"Yeah, alright let's go"

"Great" Anton seemed to sigh as he walked past her and into the BMW sitting at the end of the driveway

"There is some stuff in the back seat so take the front" Anton called over his shoulder as the car gave a beep signaling it's unlocking

"Sure" Rose followed and took a seat in the front thinking nothing of his suggestion

Anton fastened his seatbelt and started the car, and they headed in the direction of the city. As they passed the gate, Rose gave a small wave to one of Dimitri's men, Vasili, she thought, as she stood guard by the estate border.

They had just gotten to the end of the rode, when Anton turned slightly in his seat to face her "I'm sorry about this"

"What?" she managed to get out before her lungs couldn't take in any air. It took her brain a few moments to realice what was happening. Her mouth and nose were being covered with something soft, but the smell of it made the insides of her nose burn.

She tried to grab at whatever it was covering her face, but the smell was getting even worse and the tree's outside were going blurry. She needed to breathe air but she couldn't.

She needed to fight, but her arms were losing all their strength and her mind was getting hazy. She was blacking out. And there was nothing she could do about it. 


Sorry ? ;) 

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