Chapter 16, Birthday dinner

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Alright here it is, hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the long wait but school is a priority. However I did make time today to write the chapter, hope you like It tell me what you think. 

I don't plan on  posting another chapter until sometime after 19th of december when I Finnish my final exams so please be patient. leave a comment and don't forget to vote. 


Ilker : Abe's father 

Ece : Abe's mother 

Hakan : Abe's older brother 

Alastair : Janine's father 

Gavina : Janine's mother


The Mazur mansion was large, it was the biggest in the state of washington. Abe had bought it when he and his wife knew of her pregnancy and made the decision to move to the states. They lived about a half an hour away from the city, but they didn't mind the drive back and forth every morning and night for work. They loved it.

They lived in a three story mansion along a the lake where Ibrahim kept his yacht at hand during the summer season. The mansion had been one of the last victorian era mansions in the state of washington, it was beautifully built both inside and out. But the inside had been modernised with the Mazur's. The backyard however looked nothing like the victorian era, the large pool had been built in when Aidan was 2, because Janine had stated that no child of hers would ever drown on the count of not being able to svim. So, Abe being the man he was, had made that a reality. He had the money so why not use it for something they could all be happy about.

Infact that's where Abe stated Rose had been conceived.

Abe wasn't an old man, even if his daughter made him feel like it. He hadn't even reached 50 yet, it was his 47th birthday they were celebrating that day. He'd been a young father at nineteen, thankfully his and Janine's family had been nothing but supportive and did everything they could to help. Janine had only been 17 at the time and had been freaking out the first 3 months of her pregnancy.

Janine had just finished getting ready when the front door flew open and the shouts of her mother in law echoed throughout the home with her thick turkish accent

"Ibrahim, Janine! Where are my torunlar?" Ece Mazur was a short and a rather large woman, her long hair was always pulled up tightly in a bun on the back of her head and the graying hair at the roots were worn with pride. She had always been a good mother to Abe and his older brother Hakan, kind but firm.

"They will be here in few minutes anne" Abe said Lovingly as he embraced his mother tightly in his arms. Abe's family lived in Turkey most of the year but ever so often they would make a trip to the states to visit Abe and his family. Ece was a loving grandmother and spoiled her grandchildren rotten, especially Rose. Rose had always had more of Abe's heritage in her, her dark hair and eyes along with her skin that was only slightly lighter than her father's. She looked alot like her grandmother in fact and her mannerisms weren't all that different either.

"They knew we were coming didn't they Ibrahim?" his father's deep voice sounded from behind his mother. Ilker Ibrahim Mazur, was the head of the family. He'd always been a strict father, he had to be with his two wildling sons running around. He loved his son's but he wasn't a man of much outward emotions towards his sons or even his wife, in public at least. Abe had only ever seen his father cry four times, when he got to hold his grandchildren for the first time. It had been such a shock for abe to see, he had to sit down after he'd handed his father Aidan for the first time at the hospital in glasgow.

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