Chapter 19, Head over heels.

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Hey everyone I'm back and here is a new chapter, I felt like I needed to write a little bit about Lissa and Christian as well. So I hope you like it and it's good to be back. 

Thank you for all of your comments and like's and your multiple reads and votes it means so much to me and i am going to try to write a little more in the next few days. 

- Lovetwist 


Lissa had been falling head over heels for Christian since he gave her a ride home, he had been her saviour and he was genuinely a nice guy. Lissa didn't think he would be so nice since he looked a little rough around the edges and if she was being honest he looked kind of intimidating. She rarely saw him smile and only if they were alone.

It had been some time now since she woke up in his bed in a house full of angry and dangerous looking men, she didn't feel scared per say, since she had seen Rose and Dimitri there as well and they seemed to be perfectly fine.

As she sat at her island in her apartment, she watched Christian moving gracefully around her kitchen as he stirred the pots and checked the oven every few minutes. She had invited him over for dinner, she had planned on take out. she could cook, however she sometimes cooked like her dear friend Rose, or more liked destroyed her kitchen like Rose always did at her attempt in cooking.

When Lissa had pulled up all her takeout menus from her junk drawer in her kitchen, Christian had at first looked surprised until he shook his head and dragged her out of the apartment and drove to the next grocery store. Where he picked out all these materials, which Lissa had no idea how to make a meal out of.

Then he's simply filled the cart, lead her to the register and then took her back to the apartment, where he threw his jacket across her couch, drew his shirt sleeves up to his elbows.

Looking as sexy as ever in Lissa's eyes. She had felt herself blushing like a schoolgirl at the sight of his smooth arms and long fingers as he tied the apron around his waist and started pulling the groceries out of the three bags he'd carried.

Now she sat and looked at his firm behind as secretly as she could, she would be mortified if he'd catch her watching. She was after all a lady, and ladies didn't do such a thing,                        watch a man's behind. She had to stop, and that was what she was going to do. Right now.

Or maybe in a few more minutes.

"Hope you're hungry, I made chicken alfredo and bread" Christian suddenly turned to her and said.

Lissa looked up from her line of sight as he turned fore her eyes where not in a very appropriate place when he was facing her. Blushing like the tomato on the top of the pasta on her plate. She smiled.

"What, yes I'm very hungry" Lissa smiled straightening in her chair trying to look as normal as she could, it was very hard to do so as he looked right through her smirking that overly excited smirk of his she rarely saw out and about.

"You are a horrible liar Vasilisa." Christian chuckled mostly to himself before taking a seat beside her, a little to close for lissa at the moment, her body was unusually warm and she could feel her lip getting damp in both excitement and a little nervousness.

Christian noticed her unease and made an effort to make her feel a little more at ease, he asked her questions about her family and just everything in her life really. Lissa answered with ease seeming to be more comfortable with eating and talking, all tough her manners were the most lady like he had ever seen, she was truly a lady.

After they finished their dinner, Christian took the dirty plates and rinsed them off, putting them away and then like the gentleman he was he cleaned the kitchen and returned it to its former state, of extreme cleanliness.

After everything was clean he leaned his rear against the table top and simply watched Lissa.

"Thank you for dinner, it was really good" Lissa's nervousness had returned to her now, and she could see the wheels in Christian's head turning. She stood up fixing her dress with shaking fingers. She could never handle this, why did she even try, she was a big ball of nerves.

Walking up to her slowly he gave her one of his smirks with his brows lowered, as he approached her like a lion after a prey. Slowly he untied his apron, Lissa's eyes following as it flew across the room and landed on one of her dining room chairs.

"You're a really good cook, we should do this again sometime, right. So it's getting a bit late don't you think ?!" Lissa asked in a slightly panicked voice as he came closer and closer still looking at her like she was something to eat.

Lissa didn't know why, but her stomach fluttered out of something other than fear or nervousness. She had never felt like that before, and it made her worried was something wrong with her or was this normal.

Her mind was racing and Christian was closer than he was a second ago, he took one step towards her and she took one step back in turn, until she hit the wall of her living room.

"Lissa. It's eight thirty." his smirk turned into a knowing smile. "Am I making you nervous?"

"Wha - What no, of course not!" Lissa tried to make her voice sound strong but it came out more as a squeek.

"I can tell when you lie to me Lissa, it's very obvious" Christian smiled leaning into her face. Looking into her eyes he saw the nervousness and the excitement he had hoped to see since the moment he laid eyes on her.

"You're very beautiful" Christian murmured to her before touching his nose to hers, he could hear Lissa's breathing speed up. "I'm going to kiss you now." Christian stated firmly but had no intention of doing anything against her will.

"O-okay" Lissa's whisper was all he needed.

Looking her in the eyes one more time he slammed his lips to hers in a very hard kiss. Her mouth tasted so sweet, he knew right there and then that he was already addicted to her taste.

Lissa stood frozen for a few moments before she ran her hands through his hair, feeling the softness of his lips and the tantalizingly slow pace of his tongue in her mouth playing with her own. He was truly a man of few words but the things he could do with that mouth where out of this world.

Pulling his mouth from hers he ran his fingers down her face and along the side of her neck admiring the paleness of her skin matching his so perfectly, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he was going to keep her until he left this earth.

"I like you alot Lissa, and I want to do everything with you. Are you okay with that?"

Hiss husky voice took a while to travel though her ears, as she came back from her kissing daze

"I like you too, Christian. Do you want to maybe stay here tonight or do you have to go back to work, I would understand that perfectly i mean a man or a woman need to work regularly.." her rambling just kept on going as Christian just watched her amused.

"I can stay over for as long as you want, let's go watch some tv so you can relax and see where we go from there alright?"

Lissa simply gave a relieved nod and smiled, taking Christian's outstretched hand.

Christian drew her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it before leading her to the couch and drawing her close to his side, before kissing the top of her head and handing her the remote.

After watching the television for a few hours he had watched Lissa's eyes grow heavier with each minute until she cuddled closer to his side and completely fell asleep.

Carefully he held her in his arms as he walked to her bedroom, where he placed her carefully on her own bed and drew a blanket over her, before getting in himself and drawing her closer until he himself fell asleep next to the woman he was falling head over heels for. 

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