Chapter 28, HIT

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New one :)

Fair warning there is a bit of POV change going on so.. be kind please :)



The sound of the long flat line beeping made Dimitri's heart stop for a beat. Cold sweat slid down his back and temple, as he watched the nurses rush into the room and to his woman's bedside taking her pulse trying to get her heart rate back up.

His breath was erratic, his palms were clammy, his head was throbbing and his eyes were burning with tears. His woman was dying. Dying right in front of him and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. Nothing.

He would be alone again. Dimitri knew he would never survive living without her, he didn't want to. She was his life, he wanted to start a family with her, he wanted to marry her, make her his wife and live out their lives together.

She was dying.


The four Mazur men stood in the basement Rose had been tortured in for weeks, beaten, whipped and almost forced to injure the unthinkable. Ibrahim had his men chain Jacob to the ceiling and stripped naked.

Jacob glared at the four men he had only seen in pictures he had found in his father's files. He didn't like the situation he was in, he was naked and even though he wouldn't admit it he was very afraid. The brothers were scary bastards, they were all tall and well built, stronger than him for sure he knew that with one look at them. Yet seeing them all together almost made him wet himself.

Aidan took a step forward with the intention of confronting Jacob as he hung in front of him, but before he could take another step he felt the baseball bat in his brother's hand come across his chest halting him in his steps.

Looking sideways at his little brother he knew there was no way Ian would let him pass if he already had a plan in mind. Nodding to his brother he stepped back and waved in the man's direction telling Ian to proceed.

Jacob looked from one brother to the next, his pulse became more rapid as they stared back. Their faces were blank but their postures were hostile and ready to pounce. They were young but Jacob knew they were well trained, he'd heard stories of the Merciless Mazur brothers, they never did a job on their own, always together all three of them.

Most stories were very much the same, Aidan and Cameron always made the kill but Ian he was the most ruthless of the three, he specialized in getting the answers he wanted and he had many ways to get those answers. He played with people's minds and he broke their bodies.

Slowly Ian circled the men with the baseball-bat in his hands like an animal stalking its prey.

"You think that just because you are a man, you can treat a woman any way you please?" His steps and movements were slow and his voice was flat, no change whatsoever. "You think you can keep them chained and beat them like animals" Ian came to a halt in front of Jacob, cocking an eyebrow at him while he spoke

"How do you feel, being treated like an animal?"

"That bitch deserved it" Jacob hissed through clenched teeth as he glared daggers at the man in front of him and spit in his face

Ian took a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wiped the spit of in his face before sighing deeply and placing it back in his pocket

"Manners is clearly something you weren't taught. However there is something you should know"

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