Chapter 20, Happy

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Hello everyone, sorry for taking so long but here is a chapter for ya. This is a very short chapter but it's more of a filler. It is un edited so, be kind. 



Dimitri was working in his office when his phone rang, not his office phone but his own cell phone, which meant one of his brothers needed to reach him. No one in his brotherhood would ever call his cellphone and no one other than his family had his cell number.

Dimitri had learned a long time ago to separate every part of his life, things that did not need to touch, didn't.


"Hello, Christian. Everything alright?" Dimitri asked his adoptive brother, hoping it was nothing he needed to worry about.

"What's this talk about Lissa and Rose going out of town, this was Rose's idea wasn't it?" Christian mumbled irritatingly on the phone

Christian could feel Dimitri's smile through the phone, he knew his brother was a damned bastard sometimes.

"It was her idea Yes, Why do you ask?" Dimitri answered rather calmly

"I don't want Lissa out of town. I want her here, where I can get to her if she needs me, in a matter of minutes."

"Christian, you sound like a man in love" Dimitri sounded annoyingly too amused for Christian's liking.

That made Christian gape a bit, before composing himself and growling lightly onto the receiver "So. What if I am?"

"Then I understand your unease. They will be perfectly safe Christian." Dimitri assured him.

"How do you know that Dimitri? Are you going with them? If so I'm going too" Christian grumbled at his brother

"Neither one of us is going, Boris and Vlad will accompany them" Dimitri stated.

"Why are they going in the first place?"

"Rose wants to spend some time with her friend and I think it will do us all some good, plus you and I have things to discuss. Let them have a girls weekend and we will work as much as we can during their absence, then when they come back we can have all the time in the world with our women"

"I still don't like it, even if Boris and Vlad are there" Christian huffed as he dropped himself on the couch with a loud thud, in his annoyance.

"Stop being a baby Christian." Dimitri said pointedly before his voice took on a serious tone.

"He's back, Christian"

At that Christian straightened up in a flash and his brows furrowed along with his rigid shoulders "Don't joke about that Dimka"

"I wish I was" Dimitri answered with a sarcastic little laugh "He's back, Pyotr saw him and his son last night during a run. They think they can hide in one of his safehouses right under our noses" Dimitri rubbed his eyes in annoyance and worry,

"Does he know, about Rose and Lissa?" Christian asked worriedly

"Don't think so, but I can't be sure. But there is now more of a reason than ever to keep them as close as possible, plus we need to tell Ibrahim. He needs to know so he can prepare his men and his son's and wife if she knows."

"That's why you sent them on that trip, one more weekend of freedom before they'll be shadowed every second. You're sneaky Dimitri, but smart, I'll give you that." Then Christian suddenly started to laugh like a maniac out of nowhere, startling Dimitri a little.

Christian didn't laugh, no more than thrice a year at the most. So this was very unusual for Dimitri to witness.

"What is so funny?" Dimitri grunted even more annoyed now than he'd been a minute ago

Christian went silent for a moment and then he burst out laughing again, his face had turned red and he was actually heaving for a breath.

"I was just imagining the moment Rose realises you are having her watched every second of her life, ooo I so hope I'll be there to watch her tear you a new one"

"Yeah yeah really funny. But seriously do not mention it, to either one of them or she'll really try to kill me" Dimitri muttered to himself more than to Christian.

"Sure, I got to go Lissa is calling, I'll see you tomorrow at the airport" then Christian hung up the phone leaving Dimitri alone with his thoughts.


Later that day Dimitri entered Rose's apartment finding it empty, which was fine and yet he felt a little disappointment, he loved coming home to his beautiful woman.

Deciding on making her a nice steak dinner on their last night together before her trip, Dimitri got busy.

After about forty minutes later he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist as he stood by the grill watching over their stakes.

"This is nice" Rose murmured against his back "Coming home from work and finding my man by the grill making my dinner. I really could get used to this"

"Who says you can't" Dimitri chuckled loving the heat from her body on his own.

"Mmmm" Rose hummed into his back simply enjoying his warmth "I'm seriously reconsidering this trip"

Dimtri's husky chuckle vibrated through her "As much as I love having you by my side, I think this is good for you and Lissa to catch up and relax."

"Uggh, why do you always make so much sense." Rose grumbled into his back

Chuckling again Dimitri closed the grill and turned around to face her as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hi"

His smile was intoxicating as he smiled down at her Rose couldn't help herself as she simply looked at him. He was a handsome man, not in that classically handsome way he was somewhat exotic to her much like she herself looked to other people. She never thought she'd find someone who loved her as much as the man in front of her did.


"Are you hungry Roza?"

"Mmm very. It smells really good."

"Come, let's eat"

Dimitri and Rose ate dinner by candle light, talking about all things possible. Rose told Dimitri about the stupid things her brothers did when they were kids, and Dimitri telling her stories of his sisters and mother. They talked and talked late into the night, finally going to bed at 2 am, Rose didn't want this night to end. It was as if they were the only two people in the world, this was what happiness felt like.

Slipping on one of Dimitri's massive t-shirts Rose slipped into the bed beside the man of her dreams, he sat against the bedframe one hand behind his head while the other held a book.

Rose let out a slight chuckle as she caught the cover of the book, it was in russian but the picture said it all. "You like western novel's?"

"I do" Dimitri said giving her a slight side eye accompanied by a smirk "Why is that funny?"

"You run a mafia, I thought you'd be into something a little more exciting" Rose's mouth curved into a smile as she fixed her pillow and got herself comfortable.

"Well" Dimitri placed his book on the nightstand "as you said I run a mafia, which is exciting enough for me. Westerns get me out of my head" Dimitri finished speaking as he pulled Rose flush against his body and kissing her forehead.

Laying in silence Rose listened to Dimitri's heart beat, beating slow and in rhythm with her own. "I'm going to miss you Dimitri"

"I'll miss you too Roza. Now let me hold you" Dimitri wrapped his tattooed arms around her and held her close until they fell asleep in each others arms.  


Love ? Hate ? :D 

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