Chapter 6, Talk to him

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Ivan's POV

Did she just say what I think she did? She can't be serious.

"Let me get this straight. You come to me and ask me to murder your husband, whom I have nothing against and has done nothing to me to deserve being brutally murdered by me or my men, and for free if I may add"

She gives me a silent nod but her expression changes to almost flirty and one of my brows is raised in silent question

"I'm low on money but. I can repay you in other ways if you like"

She slowly makes her way around my desk and spins me in my chair. I am completely still and make no movement to stop her. She pulls up her dress and straddles me resting her hands on my chest and fumbling with the tie around my neck. I glance over at Christian, his face is blank but I know the man better and I can see the disgust in his eyes as he watches his sister trying to seduce me this way. I look back at Tasha and she leans in to kiss my jaw

"I'm sure Adrian wouldn't mind sharing this one time"

This woman is out of her goddamn mind!

I grab her wrist forcefully pushing her of my lap and get up from my chair making sure she's at least an arm's length away from me. I take a deep breath and adjust my suit and cufflinks before looking down at the woman in front of me and speaking in a calm and steady voice

"First of Natasha, do not do that again. If I wanted a woman's company, you would not be my first choice"

She flinches slightly at my words and the rair smirk on Christian's face is getting bigger with each passing second as a growl at his half sister.

"However, I am in a particularly good mood today and therefore I will consider your request. Are you sure you want to go through with this? Because when it's done it can not be undone"

"Y-yes I'm sure. B-but not yet I want this to be the absolutely last resort. I want to try to convince him to come back to m.."

I put my hand up to silence her and she stops talking

I don't need to know this woman's history, I'm not a freaking psychiatrist!

"I don't care Natasha. Just tell me the man's name and I'll see what I can do"

"His name is Dimitri Belikov"

I stare at her, so does Christian along with the other two guards standing by the door. The room is completely quiet, no one dares to make a sound. I compose myself and let out an unhumorous laugh pinching the bridge of my nose

"I'm sorry did you just say Dimitri Belikov. You are married to Belikov?"

"Yes, do- do you know him?"

Kill Dimka. This is almost laughable. She's his wife and she knows nothing about his life, or his hidden life. Sure he owns all of those hotels but that's not his main source of all his millions. His work for me is. The fact that she knows nothing about this is going to make this so much more fun.

"I know of him. Alright Natasha, I'll think this over and contact you when I decide. Now leave, I have other matters to attend too"

She gives me quick nod and walks out of the office, I give the two guards by the door a small nod and the exit behind her leaving only me and Christian.

"You are not actually considering this, are you Ivan?"

"Of course not you Idiot, I'm not going to murder one of the only three men I really trust and my best friend and brother" I scoff walking to a table that has a bottle of scotch standing on it.

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