Chapter 4, Ben & Jerry's

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Rose's POV

I feel so incredibly stupid.

Why does this always happen to me? And I am not being dramatic, this is the third time I've been cheated on since high school. First there was Jesse in high school, then there was Danny we dated for two years and he cheated on me for a year and a half. He was also very physically abusive, he liked to choke me when I talked back or slap me when something wasn't good enough. Finally Adrian cheats on me with his married friend from college at my family's event.

Why am I not good enough? What's wrong with me?

I've been lying in bed for two days, it's pathetic but I feel numb. After catching Adrian and her together in the bathroom something in me broke, I felt stupid, ugly and unwanted. For the past year Adrian has been asking me to marry him and now he does this to me. He knows about my past and still he cheats. I look strong and I try my best to be strong, I have to be that's how I earn my living. Deep down I'm broken and weak, having been abused both physically and emotionally, and now I feel like nothing.

I'm currently sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest and a blanket wrapped around me, staring at the city skyline. I hear the elevator ping, alerting me of a visitor. A visitor I'd rather not have at the moment. Then the sing-song voice of my best friend travels through the halls of my penthouse all the way into my bedroom

"Rose, honey where are you?" I keep silent until my bedroom door opens and a head of long blond hair and emerald green eyes appear.

"Rose, have you eaten anything at all?" I shake my head, she sighs and takes a seat beside me

"You need to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

"What if I said I have two new men for you to meet" I turn my head to look at her smiling face

"What are you talking about?" She grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed and into the living room of my penthouse and sets me down on the couch, before she runs to the kitchen bringing back with her a plastic back. She jumps on the couch beside me and hands me a spoon

"Liss" I start to whine but she stops me with a look and I shut up

"Rose Mazur, I'd like you to meet the two new men in our lives" then she opens up the bag and holds up two cans of ice cream

"This is desirable Ben and his delicious brother Jerry" I can't help but laugh at her and her attempts to make me feel better. I have to admit that it's working.

I grab the cookie dough and chocolate fudge can and she opens the vanilla strawberry one and we dig in. We sit and eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before I break it

"What's wrong with me Liss?"

"Rose you know that there is nothing wrong with you"

"Then why does this keep happening to me? This is the third time, so there has to be something wrong with me!" I mutter stuffing a spoonful into my mouth

"There is nothing wrong with you only your choice of men" she states digging into her ice cream

"So what am I supposed to do huh? Just stop dating"

"No, just stop dating boys and find a man! Someone who is there for you and calls you beautiful even if he sees you early in the morning"

"Hey!" I bump her shoulder "I look great in the morning thank you very much!" I huff

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