Chapter 8, Home

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I am so sorry this has taken so long but I have been really busy and I had a bit of writer's block going on. I was going to post on either Friday or Saturday, but my friend ended up in the hospital Friday night and I've been staying with her everyday after school until late in the evening. The Dr.'s have no idea what's going on and we're just hoping for the best.

On another and a happier note, here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. There are very Mature scenes in this chapter so read at your own risk. I really hope you like it and tell me what you think.

(This is not my best work but bare with me, I just really wanted to get this chapter out there)



Rose's POV

Dimitri places a hand on the small of my bare back and leads me out of the the club. When we walk out the door I catch Big joe's amused gaze as he glances from me to Dimitri and to me again. My face heats up and my heels suddenly become much more fascinating than I ever thought possible.

"Good night Ms.Mazur?"

"See ya later Big Joe"

I keep my eyes on anything other than him as we walk towards the street where a sleek black limousine pulls up right in front of us and a tall, darkhaired man steps out of the driver's seat, rounding the car to open the door for us. Dimitri gives him a small nod which the man replies with a similar curt nod.

"Rose, this is Stan. Stan this is Rose Mazur"

"Ms.Mazur. Where are you headed Mr.Belikov"


"Very well"

I slide my way into the car and we make our way to his home stealing long luscious kisses on the way with hands and mouths all over each other leaving big wet open mouthed kisses from the corner of my lips to the top of my heavy breasts. His hands creeping up my bare thigh and to the hem of my dress where his fingers stroke small delicious circles sending tingles straight to my core as I feel his breath in my ear when he bites my earlobe.

Shivering I grab the collar of his shirt and am about to straddle him when the car comes to a stop and there's a knock at the door pulling us from the worlds of only the two of us exist into the real world full of car honks and people rushing from one place to the other.

Releasing my lips with a loud 'pop' and a smirk, Dimitri straightens his shirt and runs a hand through his hair with a permanent smirk plastered on his face until he opens the door and the blank expression is back.

He offers his hand for me to take, which I gladly do, I fix my dress and run a finger over my lips fixing the smear of lipstick Dimitri's lips left on me. Glancing up at him I see the smear of lipstick on his lips as well, without thinking about it I run a thumb over his lower lip and we both still as he gazes at me with those dark mesmerizing eyes, that hold something so bright but at the same time something so dark i have a feeling deep in my gut that I should be very careful with this man.

I realize my finger is still on his lips and hurry to take it away when he catches my hand in his and kisses the back of it leaving a burning sensation on the spot where his lips met my skin. Then he laces our fingers together and pulls me closer until I'm smushed up against his side feeling the heat radiating of his body bringing a bright smile to my lips making me force myself to look down to hide the blush that is no doubt appearing on my face at this moment. I feel him squeeze my side a little more, and I think i have never been so happy around a man other than my father or my brothers.

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