Chapter 12, Perfect

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Dimitri placed a full plate of eggs and toast in front of Rose kissing her head in the process. He didn't mind the amused glances his men were giving him, they'd have to get used to having her around. Rose was assembling the gun with so much focus she didn't even notice when Dimitri approached. She squinted at the gun and had her tongue out between her lips, her movements were slow and precise.

All the men in the room watched her with amusement shining in their eyes, the card game had stopped, no one spoke a word as they watched Rose. After a few more minutes of total silence Rose broke out into a dazzling smile, holding out the gun for Vlad to examine. Taking the gun out of her hand Vlad raised his hand, aimed and fired, the loud noise startling Rose who gaped staring wide eyed at him.

"Everything looks good, well done. Next time I'll show you how to assemble a rifle" Vlad's gruff voice made her smile again.

Dimitri leaned down and kissed behind her ear, he felt the shudder run through her, making him grin into her soft skin

"eat your breakfast" Turning her head Rose met his eyes, with one hand she grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him towards her face until their noses were touching. Rose's eyes left his as she looked down at his lips and smirked

"I can assemble a gun now" Dimitri grinned replying

"I noticed that"

"Aren't you proud?" The teasing in her voice didn't go unnoticed

"Very proud" Dimitri answered still grinning from ear to ear

"Do I get a reward?" A few chuckles broke out around the room, making Rose's cheeks pink but she didn't look away

"What would you like?" Now it was Dimitri's turn to look at her lips, her bottom lip was between her teeth and he quietly growled

"Surprise me" her voice was thick and a little of her Turkish accent came out. Dimitri's sweats were getting uncomfortably tight, the sensation of her fingers running through his hair, the lip biting and the sound of her voice were simply too much. Slowly he leaned into her ear, took the earlobe between his teeth, Rose moaned gripping his hair tighter as he spoke in a deep voice

"Eat your breakfast" then he kissed her cheek and straightened up, leaving Rose sitting, gaping at him from her chair.

The room broke out in laughter making Rose's cheeks flame, she glared at Dimitri who smirked back, pointing at her plate.

"Asshole" Rose grumbled turning towards the table, she picked up her fork, then she began stabbing the eggs with unnecessary force. Chuckling Dimitri grabbed a plate for himself, sat down beside her and focused on his own breakfast. Soon the men were back to their previous doings, playing cards, talking or cleaning their weapons. Dimitri slowly placed a hand on her thigh, only to have it slapped away by a very pissed of Rose.

"Keep your hands to yourself buddy, the moment is over!" Rose growled at him the third time he tried to slide his hand up her leg. Dimitri only smiled letting his arm drape over the back of her chair, he put his hand at the back of her neck and slowly began to rub her neck, in a soothing way relieving the tension. His little spitfire quickly calmed down, closing her eyes enjoying the warmth of his fingers.

"Would someone be so kind to tell me why there is a hole in my wall?" Ivan said as he leisurely strolled into the room, he didn't look or even sound angry, he sounded rather amused if anything. Leaning into the door frame he smirked at Dimitri and Rose as they ate their breakfast. Rose still had her eyes closed when she pointed at Vlad, still enjoying her neck rub from Dimitri

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