Chapter 30, The Reaper

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- Lovetwist

(I don't think I'll be posting a new chapter until sometime after 15th of December  since my finals are coming up. Just wanted you to know that I'm not neglecting You, I promise ;) ) 


Dimitri hated leaving Rose, but he knew she was safe with her mother and his. He wanted to stay with her every minute of the day, but there were things he needed to take care of before Rose was completely safe.

First there was Anton. The man who betrayed his Bratva, his brothers. He needed to be taught a lesson in respect and trust. There was nothing more serious than betraying your brothers and their brotherhood.

Victor was another mess Dimitri needed to clean up. Victor had been in the Bratva for years and if there was anyone who knew the price for going against others in the order was nothing short of death, but death for a man such as him was simply far too easy. Dimitri didn't like to let traitors off quick. no , they needed to know, really know just how the reaper took care of those who went against his rule. His son, he was the worst of Dimitri's problems. He was the coward who had damaged a woman like Rose. A bright young woman had been beaten down by a sad little boy with anger issues and now bigger problems than he could ever imagine.

Then there was his 'wife'. Natasha was a constant headache for Dimitri. She made problems for him, which he could deal with, but the issues she had caused Rose were not to be tolerated. She needed to be put down in one way or another.


Dimitri made his way into the mansion. His men stood guard along the property, guns in hand ready to shoot at seconds notice. Taking his time he took the stairs to the buildings cold, soundproof basement. This was Dimitri's favorite place in the building, this was where he could be himself without any interruption or fear of ruining the carpet.

The basement was lit with bright fluorescent lights, the lights that gave a man a headache if they stayed in the room for too long. The smell had been overbearing the first few times Dimitri had entered the basement, the intense smell of bleach, leather and gun powder, now it brought him a peach of mind. This was his place of peace, for others it was a place of pure horror.

Three of his men sat by the inner door playing cards when Dimitri entered the room. The gave him a simple nod and continued with their cards. There was nothing new about this, they knew who they worked for and they knew who protected them in return for their trust and respect. He was their boss. He was the Reaper.

Dimitri took a deep breath as he opened the thick steal door. The door opened slowly, and Dimitri could see the heads of his victims turn in his direction as he walked through the door, closing it and locking it loudly. This was usually the first thing that got people nervous. The loud thud of the door was a sign that no one could enter and that only one man would be leaving through that door alive.

There was a thick pipe running across the ceiling, with hooks attached. Attached to the hooks were the four people Dimitri had been waiting to get his hands on. Their hands were bound at the wrist, where they hung, naked, in the air by the hooks. The position was painful but necessary.

Dimitri took off his jacket slowly, then placed it on one of the chairs by the desk which held everything he needed. He drew the sleeve of his black shirt to his elbows, revealing his dark tattoos covering his forearm. As he looked at the tattoos he felt like the man he had always been, the man who enjoyed giving people a lesson and making an example out of those he despised. His leather gloves felt good on his fingers, as he stretched them inside warming the leather, then he took the hammer in his hand and turned to the people hanging; he smiled to himself. The time was finally here. He thought as he walked up too the first hanging sack of meat. Victor.

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