Chapter 2, Excuse me ?

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Rose's POV

I moan when his large hands run down my sides and his fingers dig into my skin. My hand are fisted in his long dark brown hair and his lips are whispering something in my ear, but the feeling of his fingertips is so overwhelming, I can't focus on anything else. Until his teeth scrape my earlobe and a shiver runs down my spine. He starts tracing kisses from the weak spot behind my ear making me throw my head back with a loud moan. He leaves kisses all over my face, everywhere except my lips, just to torture me. His hands roaming my body from my jaw going further south until he reaches the line of my panties and his hand slips under the fabric. He thrust two of his fingers inside me growling "So fucking wet", I whimper under his touch and he chuckles from between my breast sending waves up my body making me arch my back from the mattress "aahh..." His fingers go faster in every thrust and I am so close to the edge "Rose" so damn close I....

"Rose, wake up"

My eyes fly open and the green orbs he calls eyes are staring down at me, along with that typical Ivashkov grin. "What were you dreaming about?"

I throw my hand over my face and turn away from him "Nothing."He laughs and sits up on the bed, almost making the sheets fall from his lower body exposing his manhood "Nothing my ass, you were moaning in your sleep. Come on tell me, what was I doing?" I don't want to look at him.

Like I'm going to tell him about the very vivid sexual dream about a guy who ruined my dress and made me feel like a fool. Please. I'm not that stupid.

He takes my wrist and removes the hand away from my face and leans into my neck breathing softly into my ear "Come on Rose, tell me. Maybe I can make it a reality" I need a cold shower to get that man out of my head. I force myself to smile at him

"I doubt it. And I wasn't moaning. I need to get ready for work, you want to take a shower first or me?" I sit up rubbing my eyes. Adrian chuckles as he gets off the bed showing me all of him as he walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower.

As soon as he's out of sight I flop back on the bed with a frustrated groan. Why the hell am I thinking about that coffee spilling bastard, I don't even know him. A two-minute conversation that's it. If I can't get him out of my head this will be a long day.


Going through my upcoming cases is exhausting, but work is work and it has to be done. Three divorce cases and the wives are demanding they get everything. I mean how stupid can these women be, a prenup is a prenup. Then when I tell them something they don't want to hear they try to use their children as a tool. I hate women who use their own flesh and blood to get money or property. Children should not be put in the middle if these things.

These cases are making me crazy. I need a break. "Lissa, did you call the hotel managers about my visit" I call through the open door and a few moments later she's standing in the doorway "Yes, I told them you would be there at one"

"Okay, thank you"

Suddenly Lissa squeals and jumps a little when Adrian pinches her sides and comes bursting in, making Lissa furrow her brows and glare at him. "Adrian, don't do that, you know she hates it." I scold him and he chuckles, then he pulls me out of my chair and grabs my ass while smothering me with kisses. "Adrian.." Kiss "What are you.." Kiss "doing here?" Another wet kiss "Marry me." This is nothing new he has been asking me this for months now so it doesn't surprise me "No" I say pulling away and fixing my skirt.

"Why not? Why won't you marry me ?" I sigh and give him an exasperated look and cross my arms "Because, I don't want to get married" he rolls his eyes "Oh come on sugarplum, every woman wants to get married. Most girls plan their wedding by the age of what.. 10?" 

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