Chapter 17, Big Boss

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A new chapter for you my lovelies, hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think. Thank you for your patience and I'm going to try to write more and faster. :D 



After they had so abruptly left her parents house to head for the police station Rose had insisted on knowing why the hell Boris had been arrested and why she was needed. She knew Dimitri and his men already had a lawyer in their grips.

Dimitri had quickly told her that their current lawyer Larry James was a greedy little shit, who was no longer the man for the job, he was being fired and threatened of course to keep his silence in exchange for his life.

It startled Rose how much it didn't bother her that the love of her life was a cold hearted killer who could talk about murdering a man so calmly, and how normal the conversation seemed to her, like they were having a conversation about the weather.

When Rose and Dimitri made it to the police station her friendly demeanor vanished and she was all business. Dimitri walked only a step behind her, his face blank as he followed her to the front desk, where Rose Cooley asked about Boris's whereabouts. The man in the reception eyed them both suspiciously before nodding and instructed them to follow.

"What's Boris's last name?" Rose asked Dimitri as they walked towards interrogation

"Mikhailov, Boris Mikhailov" nodding in satisfaction Rose squared her shoulders, raised her chin and took a deep breath. Then she opened the door which led to Boris and glared at the detective as she entered.

Boris was sitting in an interrogation room when Rose saw him, mostly his face was in it's normal stoic expression but as Rose came closer she saw him glaring at the detective currently leaning on the table only a few inches away from Boris's face.

The detective was smirking as he spoke and Rose saw the muscle in Boris's jaw tick in what she assumed was anger, their noses so close she was afraid Boris was about to slam his forehead in the detective's face.

The man was handsome, she'd give him that, but she saw right away that he was an arrogant son of a bitch, by the sly little grin that spread across his face as he looked her up and down. He was tall, not as tall as Dimitri, maybe 5'11. His light brown hair was perfectly styled in that 'just woke up kind of style' and his deep set hazel eyes were cold to look at.

"Stop talking to my client officer, he has nothing to say to you" Rose stated in a firm hard voice as she moved into the Room, placing a voice recorder on the table between the detective and herself.

"You all right Boris?" Rose asked as she took a seat beside him squeezing his shoulder in comfort, his curt nod relieved her only for a second before he turned his head and she saw the black eye. As she looked a little harder she realized his nose was bent in an awkward angle with dried blood stuck to the lower part of his face.

Her gaze narrowed as she grabbed his chin and turned his face from side to side as she examined him. It looked fresh, too fresh for her liking. Turning she narrowed her eyes even more as detective douche kept smirking at her.

In a cool and calm voice Rose asked "His face, what happened?"

"This is the way we found him, we haven't been able to have him looked at since he refuses to cooperate" the man sounded too amused for her liking and Rose scoffed in an very unladylike manner, turning back to Boris she looked over his face again.

"Your nose has to be reset" Rose said as she stood from the chair and turned his face in her direction. Placing her fingers on each side of his nose she looked him straight in the eye "on three" Boris nodded and took a deep breath never taking his eyes of off hers. She had learned how to reset her own nose after a particularly hard night with her ex boyfriend.

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