Chapter 14, Poker night

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Every Thursday night for five years the Mazur men had played poker at the old family home, Janine would leave to meet up with her friends or have their daughter come over so her boys could have some time together and the two women could bond.

Both her and Abe loved nothing more than their children, they had been young when Aidan was born and it had been hard for them both. Abe had worked his ass off to make their life as good as it could be, then after his other two sons had been born he'd made his way to the top of his friends Bratva and then when his daughter had been born they were rich, filthy rich and Abe was proud of his work.

He loved being a father and he would do anything for his children. He was a good father, he made sure he was always home for dinner and he was the one to always read a story for his children before the went to bed, in all his life as a father he had missed three nights, three nights he would never get back and it had been hard on him to miss those nights.

He taught his sons to play football, soccer, basketball and baseball. He had made sure to raise his son's to behave like gentlemen and made sure they always respected their mother and all women in general, she had been the one to bring them into this world and they were never allowed to forget that.

This Thursday night all three brothers were unusually quiet, Ian was always quiet but his brothers weren't, they always had something to say. However as the sat in their father's poker room they didn't say a word, it made Abe curious to know what was going inside those thick head of theirs. Abe shuffled the cards in his hands looking between his three boys, assessing them one by one studying their body language.

All of them were somewhere else, Cameron was staring at the amber liquid in his glass slightly frowning, Ian was staring at the table lost in thought and Aidan was twisting one of his rings repeatedly around his finger as his jaw ticked from time to time.

"All right, what's going through those heads? It's very unnerving how quiet you all are." Abe said as he dealt each one a hand

"Nothing, just tired" Aidan shrugged twisting the ring around his pinky finger a little more forcefully.

"Don't bullshit me boy, I know you too well. I know there's something on all of your minds and I'd like to know what it is and if there is anything I could possibly assist you with" Abe scolded his oldest as he finished dividing the cards to each son.

"How well do you know this Belikov ?" Cameron grumbled to his father with a raised brow and a hint of a frown. Cameron didn't like any man around his little sister especially not a man like Dimitri Belikov, he was dangerous and somewhat of a loose cannon according to his father.

"Dimitri Belikov is the son of an old friend, and I trust him as much as I trust each of my own children. He's a good man, but I do not recommend getting on his bad side he will either kill you or make you wish you were dead" Abe spoke in a very firm tone of voice making sure he meet each soon with eye contact.

"And you think it's safe for our little sister, your daughter if I may add, to have a relationship with this man, that we know nothing about and have only met once or twice" Aidan didn't like the thought of his sister hanging around someone he couldn't handle. Dimitri Belikov was a big bastard, and there was only a slight chance that he and his brothers could do any damage to that man if needed.

"Dimitri is a lot of things Aidan Merak Mazur, but a danger to your sister is not one of them. I doubt there is a safer place for her to be than beside that man, you all saw how he looked at your sister." Abe's voice was a little deeper than normal and it took on that tone he always used on his sons as children. All three brothers nodded in agreement reluctantly but they knew they should listen to their father.

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