Chapter 25, Coward

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He hated leaving Rose, but he had to work.

Ivan's office was next to his own, Christian, as expected, was already there. Sitting on the obnoxious vintage sofa in the middle of the room.

Ivan sat at his desk reading some papers. Dimitri knew right away something wasn't right, Ivan wasn't smiling or even smirking like he usually did. Instead he sat with his brows furrowed and he was chewing on the side of his bottom lip. This was bad.

"What's wrong ?" Dimitri questioned

"Remember a few weeks ago when you asked Vitaly to do some research on Rose's ex?"

"Yes" Dimitri huffed

"Well, It seems he is more trouble than we thought" Ivan sighed rubbing her forehead with his tattooed fingers.

"As in how much more?" Dimitri stressed

"As in, his dad was Mazur's and Mancini's partner in Turkey years ago, and he's coming back for Rose" Christian answered from the horrid sofa.

"Jesus Christ" Dimitri huffed as he let his head fall back "And what does he want ?"

"Her" Ivan responded

"Over my dead body" Dimitri growled "Does he think he's marrying her too?"

"No" Christian huffed "He just doesn't want you to have her. So he'll use her and then send her to the Mancini's as a gift"

Dimitri turned to his brother and barked at him "And how do you know all this?"

Christian not even flinching held up a white paper in his hand "they sent a note."
"Give me that " Dimitri commanded as he ripped the paper from Christian's outstretched hand

She is wonderful is she not Mr. Belikov?

She'll make a wonderful toy before she'll be a bloody and bruised bride.

Best Regards

- Viktor Shenkov

Dimitri had to draw in a deep breath to calm his anger as it rushed through his veins in anger. This was getting out of hand and needed to stop. One family was enough but two.

"What do you want to do?" Ivan muttered from his desk as he looked at his raging brother standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm sick of this" Dimitri growled "she's been through enough. Does anyone else know about this?"

"No" just we three Ivan replied

"Let's keep it that way" Dimitri huffed as he crushed the paper in his fist "I'll need to talk to Mazur about this, but not in front of her"

"She deserves to know Dimka" Christian snapped "This is her life. Not yours"

"And she will." Dimitri nodded "When I've fixed this"

"You're a bastard if you keep this from her" Christian fumed "She is not just some girl Dimitri, she's in love with you and you do this to her?"

"What's your problem Christian ?" Dimitri fumed as he came face to face with his brother

"Since when do you care about her ?"

"Since you decided she was one of us" Christian spat back "She is as much of a member as you and me. And this stunt your pulling is a dick move and she'll never forgive you"

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