Chapter 22- Old Faces, New Dances

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Kalani smiled as she slipped into the lobby. Abby blinked twice to make sure it was her before motioning the two to come inside. She shut the door and led them to a hidden conference room. Abby knew that something like this would happen.

"Would you like some coffee?" Abby asked politely.

Kira shook her head and sat across from Abby. She looked at the two pictures behind her, one of Broadway Baby and the other one of her mom. Abby smiled politely and folded her hands on the desk. "What brings you here?"

"We, well I, want to know if the show was set up to make Kalani fail," Kira explained.

This made Abby perk up a little more. She shook her head and gave a bitter laugh. "Who are you to come into my property and accuse me of that? You know I love Kalani and would never do anything to hurt her."

"Well, I find it a little strange that she got sent home first, especially since she was one of the strongest dancers here." Kira shrugged and Kalani's face turned redder. She hated when fights with Abby brewed. They always turned ugly.

"It's based on your performance. Kalani fell and stopped dancing. I'm not having someone like that in my dance competition, especially for the best dancers in the country." Abby smiled as sweetly as she could and got up. "So if we are done here, I have to go eat breakfast with the remaining dancers."

Kira stood up and walked with Abby. "Can't you put her back in the competition?"

Abby shook her head. "I'm not putting Nia or Bostyn back in, so no. She can't."

"Ms. Abby, can I at least be in the group dance?" Kalani suggested. She had been quiet all morning. "I mean, if you don't want me in the competition, I won't. But maybe I could do a reappearance?"

Abby shrugged. Then she got an idea. "Every week, starting now, people that have left the competition will come back to do a Return Dance. That's what we'll call it. If you're kicked out of the competition, you could still do a dance one last time. Genius!"

Kira smiled.

This is exactly what she wanted.

People to see how her daughter was better than the remaining dancers.


"Did you guys see that Kalani came back this morning to talk to Abby?" Sophia asked her trio partners, Maddie and Brooke. Abby came in with a flustered look and Sophia caught a glance of Kalani when she was walking to breakfast. It was weird to see her, but she was a nice girl.

"No, really?" Maddie asked, surprised. She hadn't suspected one of her best friends to be back like that. "Is she back in the competition?" If she was, that wouldn't be fair.

"I don't think so. I think she's back to do like, a solo or something maybe. I don't know." They continued to stretch and Alex walked in. He had a pale face and looked like he just got in a fight with someone.

"Girls, sorry for being late. I had a little run in with someone. I couldn't choreograph anything, and I'm sorry. Anyways, get up, get up. Height order, please. Thank you. Let's get started."

After a while of being frustrated, Alex and the girls managed to get half of the dance done. Even though it was sort of a mess, they still had six days to perfect it. Technically, they had 22 hours.

"Let's, let's run it from the fourth eight count! Where we all start to dance together. We are off in the opening fan kick and runs. You guys are too good to go home! 5, 6, 7, 8!"

They started with the slow fan kick and little runs into their formation, a triangle. The music picked up a little and they did a lot of swaying and chaineing. When they got halfway, which was where little solo parts started, Alex shut the music off. They were done with it.

"Thank you, for putting up with me today. I know. The dance is boring. Abby helped choreograph it, so." He shrugged. "Thanks girls, practice, practice, practice!" He waved at them as they walked out the door.

"That was interesting," Brooke whispered to the two younger girls. "Anyways, I was going to go down the street to get a mocha latte from Dunkin' Donuts. Want to come?"

Sophia shrugged. "Nah, I'm tired. Thanks though!"

Maddie smiled, however. "Yes! Let's go! Let me change first!" She ran to her room and changed into skinny jeans and a plain pink tee. She threw on her flip flops and ran out to meet Brooke. She was wearing high waisted shorts and a flannel with a blue tank top.

They walked out the door and bumped into a small figure. Kalani rubbed her head and did a double take at the girls.

"Hey," she muttered. "Where are you guys going?"

"Why are you here?" Maddie asked coldly, which was meaner than she intended.

Kalani bit her lip. "May we talk?"


"Yesssss, Asia!" tWitch said, complimenting on the girls dancing. She was an absolute beast when it came to hip-hop, and everyone knew it. There was this one section where she had to become real crunk and nasty. Survivor was the perfect choice for the dance.

"Get even more in the faces! When you run up to them, make sure your face is real sassy!" Asia ran over to the fake dance and pretended to bop the fake Abby on the nose.

Asia had completed her dance and ended it with holding up her hair in a split and the nastiest look on her face. She was a complete and utter diva.

tWitch smiled and nodded at his work. He was proud of himself, especially since it was going to be shown on the All-Star Ultimate Dance Battle. A bunch of dancing tweens watched the show. He hoped to pull them in by having them join hip hop.

A soft knock came outside the door. Asia opened it and Abby walked in and sat in one of the chairs that was set up. She shrugged and walked around and looked at the props.

"Some set up," she said quietly.

Asia nodded and tWitch smiled. "Yes, she's doing really amazing. I made it so the choreography is appropriate for a girl her age, a what? 8 year old? She's nailing the piece and I think she'll be able to stay."

Abby nodded and sat behind the desk. "Now, listen here Asia. Just because you're supposed to come in 3rd doesn't mean we'll send you home sooner."

Asia and Maddie were the only two set-ups. They were staying like that no matter what, unless they mess up dreadfully. They were amazing dancers, but no one could ever be too certain.

"Thanks, Miss Abby! See you soon!" Abby nodded and waked out the door.

Asia was definitely going to come in third.


What do you think Kalani was talking about to the girls? More coming soon!

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