Chapter 38- Rehearsing Your Roles

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Book Ending Countdown: 3 Chapters! D:


Rehearsal was in full swing for Kendall. She worked extra hard to even have a couple water breaks, instead of the usual one or two. Her prop had arrived, and she was already using it. It was two times bigger than her and she did some really cool arm movements inside it.

The door was barely visible. When she busted out, it actually fell off, instead of swinging open on a hinge. She had to step around it in a really cool way. The choreographer, Alex Wong told her that her face make-up would be off the charts this week.

The teachers this week were Alex, Gianna, and Molly. Since the contemporary this week had a little jazz edge to it, Molly was brought in to do it. Jessica Richens was also her assistant. The two made a really good and dynamic pair.

"Okay, Kendall, do you think you could take it from the top?" Alex asked.

Kendall nodded and went back inside her little egg. The music started out pretty quiet, but loud enough for her to hear. She sat on one knee, looking down, arms parallel above her head.  She looked up, to the right, then to the left, before tilting her head and smiling.

"Bigger facials, Kendall!" Alex screamed.

Kendall busted the door open and looked more creepy, but her eyes told an even bigger story. She was sad and confused. What was this life form around her? Why was she here? Her egg must have fallen off of her spaceship.

"Longer extensions! On the Da-Da-Da-Da, make sure to flex and point really nice in your front attitude!"

There were two of those parts. She did it cleaner and more exaggerated this time. On all the sharp movements, she made sure to really make them broader, and exaggerate. She loved this routine and did not want to go home.

"Good, Kendall! We finished the dance today, and I think during your next two rehearsals, we should just go through and clean it a little. Other wise, you did very well, and I think you can win," Alex told her, proud.

"Thank you," Kendall replied, extremely proud of herself.

"Just, Kendall, do you think you could work on your facials? Make it more creepy?"

Kendall nodded. Facials were key in this competition. During group rehearsals, Abby would especially point Maddie out and make her the front. No, there was no favoritism in that at all. Just Abby being usual Abby.

She walked out the door, while Jojo was walking in.

Meanwhile, in Paige and Zack's rehearsal, things weren't going to well. Paige and Zack apparently needed to feel a connection between each other, but that was a long ways from happening. Paige was shy around him, and Zack just wanted Chloe to be back.

The technique was there. Zack's lifts with Paige were perfect. The two were just really weak. At the beginning of the dance, they start on opposite sides of the prop and run towards each other, lifting each other up in a hug.

Then, Zack had to hold her in a lift, which was really scary for Paige since if she fell, she would most likely die. Zack wasn't going to drop her, but he just was really timid bringing her down. Then, they ran off the prop and towards the audience to start the dance.

"Both of you, you are weak!" Gianna shouted.

Paige was trying, but shyness was overcoming her. She didn't look at Zack, and Zack returned the favor. Gianna shook her head and sighed, leaning against the mirror. She was hopeless. They were only 15 seconds from finishing it, but she couldn't, since she just wanted to work on facials.

"You guys gotta work with me here," she told them, sighing. "The technique is definitely there. The thing is, in this story, you have to connect with each other. But the thing is, it is hard to do that when you barely look at each other. If you want to stay, then, please, connect. It'd be a shame to see you guys go."

Paige and Zack nodded in unison, while the words floated around in Paige's heads. She wanted to stay, she loved this competition, but she just didn't want to do this dance. She loved the idea, but just wanted a different form of this dance.

Paige wanted to stay longer than her sister. She wanted to show people that Brooke wasn't better than her and Paige actually had something. People always told her, "We thought you would blossom as a dancer when you were a teenager, but you just went downhill."

Paige couldn't agree more with that, but knew she had something in her that the world didn't see yet. In this dance, she could more than likely show the world that. The next time they did that dance, she did it perfectly, and Gianna even told her that.

After those rehearsals were over with, Jojo was ready. She couldn't wait  to see her props. When she walked in, only the water one was ready. The circle was huge, big enough for her to turn on. She knew this dance would be awesome.

"Jojo!" Alex exclaimed when he saw her. "The water prop is ready, but we have the back-up circles for your other props we will be using. So, help me set it up. Two in the front corners, please. I will do the back."

Jojo moved them to the spots she was told. After they got that set up, she went full in with the dance. It wasn't easy, but she made it look it. Alex even told her that the dance was turning out really good. Jojo smiled, but something was bugging her.

What if the props basically, like, exploded?

"Alex, will my props be okay?" She asked.

"Of course. This stuff is handmade, and tested. Trust me Jojo, you will fine. If Abby didn't think they were safe, she wouldn't have given it to you. Why do you ask? Are you nervous about your solo?" Alex was concerned.

"Yes, but no," Jojo told him. "I think I am doing good, I just don't think I will with the props."

Alex laughed. "Well, at least it is fake fire."

Jojo laughed too. "Exactly," she said.

Maybe her solo would be fine. All she had to do was pray that it would be okay and that it would be. Abby wouldn't have given her props like this if they weren't controllable. Heck, she wouldn't even have a solo! All Jojo had to do was straighten up, and win the competition.


wellp, now, officially, there are 2 chapters left. pleasee vote and comment. a vote means that you enjoyed it, and i love when i see that. this took me a long time to write today. a comment gives me feedback that i would love to see. no ghosties allowed! i would really appreciate it, especially since book 1 is ending soon. :( thanks to everyone who votes, comments, and especially reads this book!


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