Chapter 23- Talks and Rehearsals

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Kalani, Maddie, and Brooke got their drinks and sat down at a table. Kalani smiled weakly and took a sip of her drink. She put it down and shrugged. "I need to talk to you guys big time."

Maddie glanced at Brooke and then back at Kalani. "What happened? Did Abby do something? Is the competition rigged? What?"

"About the competition being rigged..." Kalani began.

"Wait, the competition is rigged?!" Brooke exclaimed.

Kalani shrugged. "Brooke, just let me explain. I am making a guest appearance on the show this week. And my mom thought the competition was rigged, so she asked. Abby said it wasn't, but when we left we heard her mumbling, 'She doesn't know that Asia and Maddie are supposed to place first and third.'"

Maddie raised an eyebrow. This was news to her.

"I-I was never notified of this! I can't believe this! I don't want to win by default, I want to win by my dancing skills! Whoever is in the final four, I'm dancing worse than them so I can come in fourth. The viewers will know if I lose. Or I come out as soon as possible. I'm not going to continue this competition."

Kalani sighed. Brooke gave her a longing look, and went to the garbage to throw out her drink. "Mads, you're fine. Dance. That's all you ask. Dance. Don't worry about the competition." Brooke smiled and Kalani nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys, you're the best!" Maddie gave them all a hug and threw out her drink. "Kalani we'll see you this week! Wait, what dance?"

Kalani laughed. "I'm doing Love Story, just as a solo, though. New choreography. Alexa Moffet is choreographing the return solos."

Maddie and Brooke nodded and turned to head out the door. The girls all said their goodbyes and parted ways.


Meanwhile, Paige and Travis were practically dying. The choreography wasn't easy. The jazz was fast and the turn section was killer. Try going from a coupe turn into a pirouette without slowing down.

"Kick, ball change! Turn, turn, turn, turn, pencil turn, pirouette, jump! Knees! Paige! Lure him in! Good! Wave him away! Great job!" Molly was getting a headache. They seemed so off together.

"Okay. That's enough for today. Next rehearsal, we'll clean it up. Good job, see ya two later!" Paige smiled and turned to walk out the door. She got halfway out without saying a word when Travis nudged her.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Travis asked while smirking.

"If this is an invitation for a date, then no." Paige smiled and gave him a little shove.

"You dig me," Travis said.

"EW no gross!" Paige replied.

"Hon, we did date, I guess you could call it," Travis said as a come-back.

"Because at the beginning of this competition I was stupid," Paige replied while twirling her hair. "I am a blonde." She laughed with Travis and they packed their dance bag. As they were walking back to their room, Travis upset by being turned down, they ran into Maddie sitting alone in the movie room the place had.

Maddie closed her eyes and brushed back her hair, completely oblivious to the fact that Paige and Travis saw her. She was supposed to be watching Step Up All In, which showed that how even though the competition was rigged, the other team still won. The team that wasn't supposed to win. By hard work and dedication. That was how Maddie wanted to win.

"Maddie?" Paige said softly.

Maddie turned around and saw the two. She quickly paused the movie and ran out to greet them. "Hi, do you guys want the movie room or something?" She wiggled her eyebrows, causing the two to laugh.

"No," Travis replied. "We are worried about you. Are you okay?"

Maddie nodded. "I'm fine. If you want, you can come join me..."

Paige looked at Travis and shrugged. They walked in with Maddie, who wasn't going to tell anyone about the rigged competition except for Kendall. She prayed that Kendall wouldn't tell. A little part of her knew she would keep the secret.

The three sat in silence watching the movie, while Maddie thought if she was going to make herself go home that week.


Mackenzie and Autumn slipped on their black jazz shoes with silver linings. It was perfect for this dance. Everything about it was going to be top-notched. The girls couldn't wait for the choreography or the costumes.

The two ran in and gave Molly a huge hug. Molly Long was amazing and if she choreographed a jazz piece with hip-hop for a regular competition, the girls would win first, no doubt. Molly was excited for it, too.

"Girls! This dance, I'm so excited for! I'm so happy you have me and not Alex, because I love you two! GAHHH! I'm so happy!" She smiled and gave them another hug. "Let's get started right away. Stretch out a little and then it's magic time!"

After the girls were done stretching, Molly jumped up and down. "Okay! So! Mackenzie, you're gonna start in a center split, hands in fists by your hips. Autumn, same with you, but in a wide second position and make sure you guys have your hair over your faces. You should be looking down with your eyes up."

It was hard for the girls to not smile. They looked so creepy and cool in the mirror. "Great! Oh, and before we move on, I have a little surprise." Molly ran over to a big box covered in black curtain. She pulled it off.

The prop was hue and amazing.

It was a platform with both of their faces on it. They were actual pictures which were in color. Autumn's was in a group dance of hers at Mather Dance Company called Avengettes. Mackenzie's was of her during her solo Boom Boom.

The back of the platform had little holes for the girls to cling to while they were climbing up it. Autumn couldn't help but gasp. This dance was going to kick butt.

It was their week.


"EW! Disgusting!" Travis scoffed. They were still watching Step Up, and a disturbing part just came up. "She's, like, licking him. Like, I wouldn't do that to Paige!"

Maddie laughed really loud and Paige scowled. "You won't do that to me, because that's effing disgusting! We are acquaintances, and acquaintances only. Right, Travis?"

Maddie only laughed harder. The word "acquaintances" was really funny to her. She really wished Travis and Paige were still dating, because Paige would come up with a really witty come back. She pictured that Paige would say, "You won't do that to me because that's disgusting and we a) aren't old enough, and b) it's so weird and gross."

"Mads, are you okay?" Travis asked.

"Mads?!" Paige exclaimed, butting in. "Are you hitting on her, Atwood?" Travis's face turned a bright pink and he shook his head.

"Are you jealous?" He asked.

"Yeah! I mean, um, no. Don't you have Autumn?" Paige covered her face, since she really was jealous. She still liked Travis and thought he was extremely cute.

"Broke up, not worth it. You're single!" Travis smirked and gave Paige a squeeze.

"Hands off!"

Maddie began laughing again. She never wanted either of the two to go home. They were some of her best friends. And they also held some of her favorite memories.


So yeah umm. That was really jumpy. Also, at the end of this book, I have a surprise. It's not going to end anytime soon. But the ending is gonna be a surprise. Guess what it is in the comments below! Vote, follow, yada yada yada!

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