@fanficsdancemoms One Shot Competition

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Dear Mackenzie Ziegler,

 Where should I start? What should I even call this letter? It's 12:00 AM and I am tired as heck, but it has been one year. And in that one year, so many things has happened at school, I can't even tell you. I can't even tell you how much I actually really do miss you.

 I was jealous, okay? I was jealous of how pretty and talented you were. I was jealous, and I am so sorry. But what does it matter now?

 What do I mean when I say that? You're dead. It all matters.

 Every day, before school, I would tell myself the same thing: Nobody is perfect, except Mackenzie Ziegler. So, let's make her feel as if she isn't perfect.

 Boy I didn't think it would come down to this.

 I go to therapy now, do you know that? I am so depresed over this. Everybody at school misses you, do you know that? Everybody at school wishes you were here. No matter how perfect you were and how much I...

 I can't say this next part. I can't.

 But this is a letter, I can say whatever I want because you will never ever see it. I like it that way, a lot. Anyways, you-

 I know you won't see this, but I can't say it. it's too painful.




You will find out super soon. Because I actually came across to it.

Hold on a sec, I need to write another letter quickly...

Well, it's two years later and I am back. Haha, wait. This letter has no laughing matter to it. Anyways, I've wanted to kill myself. And I am finally going across to it. You died because of me... And I will feel how you were.

See ya, real soon...

Wait. A. Second.

 David? Yeah, him and Melissa are split... Maddie became extremely nasty to him and he couldn't handle it...

 So, now. See ya soon...

Swallowing the pills r


 "Tayte, wake up! It's time for school!" There was no response, as Tayte's mother hurried up the stairs. "Tayte, Honey." She banged on the door. Still no response. Slowly, she opened up the door and saw her daughter sprawled out on the floor with a bottle of pills, spilled water, a crumpled up piece of paper, and one in her hand.

 Quietly, she picked up the regular paper and read it.

Dear Anyone Who Cares,

 It was Mackenzie Ziegler, even though she's been dead the past year.





 It was Mackenzie Ziegler.

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