Chapter 37- Movie Magic

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Quick Author's Note: THIS IS A DOUBLE UPDATE. also, this book, counting this one has four more chapters left! i want everyone to guess how it will end please! please don't ARCHIVE this in the end since i will give you the heads up when i am about to post book 2!


It felt nice to sleep in, for once. The girls and boys never experienced such joy on a rehearsal day! When everyone finally woke up, still tired from yesterday's activities, they were all upset. Practically every room woke up with a groan.

Kendall was very excited for her rehearsals today. She looked up the song and practically fell on the floor, crying from excitement. She never felt this way about any dance. It was almost like she could marry it.

At 10 o'clock, everyone met up in the theater. This theater was for the dancing. They got their iPads and went to go look at the schedule. Same routine every day, but different dancing and sort of different schedule. Abby cleared her throat and started to talk.

"Before we begin, I just thought everyone would like to know that they have props." She smiled a little, seeing everyone's reaction. "Um, I will tell them to you now, so everyone knows. Maddie, Brooke, Sophia, you have a big gambling table with three chairs. You will use them a lot."

Maddie got excited instantly. She loved dancing with chairs. And then she got a table too! Maybe she could do jumps off of it. That would be fun. Brooke was nervous, but excited. Sophia felt the same way Maddie did.

"Um, next we have Paige and Zack. Your props are huge. They are three big blocks. One red and two block. The red is the biggest. They each are connected by a bridge. Just because it is lyrical doesn't mean it has fierceness, or that you two aren't in love."

Zack breathed out a sigh of relief. Dancing with Paige would be so weird, since he isn't used to. Chloe was his duet partner forever and ever, no matter what. However, both of them were really excited for their dance and couldn't wait to see the outcome.

"Next we have Kendall's solo. You have a big, plastic glass ball. There is a door thing that is on hinges so you can break out of it. There are also lights underneath the stand you are on so that way it glows a green hue."

Kendall gasped. Her solo just kept getting better and better! If this were a competition where each week they placed first, second, or third, she knew she would get first! She had to do this dance amazingly.

"Mackenzie and Autumn. You guys don't have the biggest props in the universe, but they are definitely vital to your dance. You guys have light sabers. I know, I know, not nearly as cool, but think about all you could do with it."

Mackenzie smiled so wide, her cheeks turned hot. Light sabers in a dance would be so cool! Especially if there was a part where they turned off the lights! They would glow bright, and hopefully make that zapping sound when they touch.

"Jojo, your props are being specially delivered. You have four circles. They are each glass with something inside. The first is grass, the second is "fire," but we have it as fake fire, like the kinds in fake fireplaces, the third is water, and the fourth is ants."

Jojo blinked.



Three times.

Abby, gave her something hand made? Specially delivered? She couldn't wait to see the dance after that! She was going to have real-life ants as part of her dance! This made her really excited to see the outcome.

"Asia, you have a castle. Not a big one, not a small one, but one big enough where if you go up a tiny ladder, you could look out a window. And a door big enough to fit you through. We have that handmade too. You also have a real horse you will learn to ride. It is well trained."

Asia gasped. Forget the ants, she was going to have a horse as part as her dance! Why was Abby going so above and beyond for these dances this week? The props just seemed to be getting better and better and better!

"Finally, we have Mia and Lucas. Your props are definitely the biggest. You have a the hull of the Titanic, a wooden board where you will be doing the opening part of your routine in, and you have a shallow pool where the wooden board will be in. Lucas, you will be soaked during the dance, but I believe you can do it."

Mia gasped.

They were going to have, a pool, not a huge one, but a pool, as part of their dance. This didn't seem real. Every single dance sounded amazing this week. Mia knew that every dancer would bring it this week. But what about the group dance?

"We only have twelve people left," Abby explained. "So no group dance."

Half of the kids sighed, while the other half was happy. Some of them did not like group rehearsals, while others did. It was really weird. "Okay, now, if everyone could look at their schedules..." Abby muttered.

This was what it was:

10-10:15- Learn props and schedule.
10:15-11- Breakfast.
11-12- Rehearsals for Kendall; Paige and Zack; Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia.
12-12:30- Lunch.
12:30-1:30- Rehearsals for Jojo; Mia and Lucas; Mackenzie and Autumn.
1:30-2:30- Rehearsal for Asia.
2:30-3:30- Rehearsals for Kendall; Paige and Zack; Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia.
3:30-4:30- Rehearsals for Jojo; Mia and Lucas; Mackenzie and Autumn.
4:30-5:30- Rehearsals for Asia.
5:30-6- Dinner.
6-7- Rehearsals for Kendall; Paige and Zack; Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia.
7-8- Rehearsals for Jojo; Mia and Lucas; Mackenzie and Autumn.
8-9- Rehearsal for Asia.
9-10- Free Time.
10- Curfew.

Abby smiled at the end. Everyone was talking about their schedule and how much fun they were going to have this week. There was never a better week for these girls and boys, and Abby knew that in the end, she was going to have a tough decision to make about who was going to be going home.


oh jeez! i am so excited to write, but also sad. i don't want to give this book up. the title of the next book will be: The All-Star Ultimate Dance Battle: Leave It On The Floor (Book 2). please remember to NOT archive this book once it is done, and check out some of my other works! i have tons of dance moms fanfics and one ashton irwin fanfic if you love him... things are getting good in my ash fic! make sure to check that out if you love him like me! haha! vote, comment, and maybe even fann! <3

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