Chapter 4- An Interesting Morning

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It was bright and early on a Tuesday morning, 5:30 AM, to be exact. Dancers were dressed in sports bras and booty shorts, boys in muscle tees and black pants. They were to meet in the theater in any seat they wanted as Abby explained the schedule for the day.

 Sophia and Asia were running late, however. Asia couldn't find her perfect bun maker, Sophia didn't know what outfit to wear. "Asia, what's your favorite color?" Sophia called to Asia who was in their bedroom portion of their suite.

 "Pink!" she called out from her bedroom. "Found it!"

 "What did you find Asia?"

 "The bun maker, duh!"

 "Oh." Sophia shuffled through her dance bag and pulled out a pink sports bra with black lace crop top over it and black booty shorts with pink stripes on the sides. Sophia put a pink lace bow with black trim in her hair, grabbed her jazz shoes and headed into the bedroom to find Asia done with her hair.

 "Okay, we have five minutes! Run!" Asia shouted.

 The two girls ran down the steps and into the theater to see that everyone was there, with no Abby. They sighed and sat down next to each other as Abby walked into the room with iPads in her hands. She passed one out to everybody then sat in her chair in the middle of the stage.

 "Daancers, take a look at your tablet. You may notice there is a schedule on it. It is 6:00 AM right now. So from 6:00-6:15, we will learn our assignments of the day and schedule. The schedule is all there just in case you forget. Let's take a look."

 The dancers took a look at their iPad and ssaw their schedule. It looked crazy, with all of their dances on it. It looked something like this:

6:00-6:15: Learn schedule of the day.

6:15-7:00: Breakfast

7:00-8:00: Rehearsal for Maddie and Kendall; Chloe and Zack; Brooke and Bostyn; Asia, Lucas, and JoJo

8:00-9:00: Rehearsal for Paige; Kalani and Tyler; Sophia and Autumn

9:00-10:00: Rehearsal for Mackenzie; Mia and Nia

10:00-11:00: Rehearsal for Travis

11:00-12:00: Rehearsal for Maddie and Kendall; Chloe and Zack; Brooke and Bostyn; Asia, Lucas and JoJo

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1;00-2:00: Rehearsal for Paige; Kalani and Tyler; Sophia and Autumn

2:00-3:00: Rehearsal for Mackenzie; Mia and Nia

3:00-4:00: Rehearsal for Travis

4:00-5:00: Dance Showcase (What do your dances look like so far?)

5:00-6:00: Dinner

6:00: You are now free to do whatever you want!

 "So, it is exactly 6:15, let's all head down for breakfast," Abby told the group. Everyone got up from their seats and left to walk down another flight of stairs to the dining hall. Once they got their, everyone was greeted with cinammon sugar crepes.

 "Same seats as last night!" Abby yelled to the group.

 The dancers all groaned and sat in their usually seats to chow down on the food. Eventually, the dancers started to talk to one another, except for Mackenzie. She looked at the huge dance floor next to the dining hall and sighed. She wished she could have earned more points.

 Tap wasn't her thing.

 "Maddie?" she whispered to her sister.

 "What, Kenz?"

 "Can we switch seats for one moment? You can talk to Kendall, I can talk to Ms. Abby. I need to talk to Ms. Abby. I need her advice on tap. She's an expert." Maddie looked at her sister weirdly before switching spots with her.

 ''Ms. Abby?" Mackenzie asked her dance teacher. Abby looked at her, but then looked back at her crepe. She kept eating, making Mackenzie a little upset. She needed to win this competition. It was so important to her.

 "Mads, we can switch now," she mumbled as she switched seats with her sister.

 Meanwhile, across the other end of the table, trouble was brewing. Paige, Sophia, Chloe, and Autumn were sitting at the end of the table. Paige accidentally spilt orange juice all over Sophia's "new" outfit, and that was when it started.

 "Paige, you jerk!" Sophia screeched, wiping her hands with a napkin.

 "Sophia, it was an accident. Stop being such a baby." 

 "Girls, girls, girls, what's going on?" Chloe glanced at Paige and Sophia. Sophia pointed at Paige, got up and walked to where Abby was sitting. "Paige, what did you not do?" Chloe asked again, looking at her best friend.

 "Chloe, seriously? What did she not do?" Autumn slapped Chloe across the face, leaving the three of them stunned. Paigle looked at Chloe, Chloe looked at Autumn, and Autumn looked at Abby, who was walking with Sophia towards the end of the table.

 "Girls, I hear there is trouble, drama, fighting?"

 "Yes, Ms. Abby! Paige spilled orange juice all over me, and I wiped my hand with the napkin, and she told me to stop being a baby! Then, Chloe, the nosy nose, butted in." Sophia sat down and looked at Paige and Chloe.

 "Then, what happened after Chloe decided to butt in?"

 "I have no clue, Ms. Abby. I left at that point, Paige was about to make me cry." Sophia made her face red and muttered, "Haha, jerk," under her breath. Abby stepped back as she looked at Sophia who was now glancing at the ground.

 "Sophia, we will have consequences after I hear what happened with Chloe. Chloe, or Paige, what happened after you apparently 'butt' in?" Paige and Chloe looked at each other and sighed. Here we go with Autumn.

 "Well," Chloe began, "all I simply said was, 'What's going on?' and Sophia pointed at Paige and walked over to you. So, I laughed and asked what she didn't do. It's an inside joke you wouldn't understand." She just lied. To save her butt. "Then, Autumn was all upset that I said that and slapped me across the face."

 Abby nodded. "I see. Chloe, this doesn't apply to you.Autumn, Paige, and Sophia. Listen up. Autumn and Sophia, you will only have half hour to learn your dance. So that means only fifteen minutes each rehearsal time. You will have rehearsals at 8:15 to 8:30, and 1:15 to 2:230. Paige, same with you."

 Abby walked away.

 The three girls looked at each other, realizing the mess they just created.


hi everyoneeee! sorry for the long wait, i hope you enjoy! next chapter, "practice makes perfect" will be up with the following:

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