Chapter 11- Meetings and Trust Training

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It was 7:03. Abby was still nowhere to be seen. Everyone was talking about this meeting and what they thought was going to happen. Chloe knew what was going to happen, but didn't put her intake in on it. She wanted everyone to be suspicious, and be embarrassed.

She looked over at Kendall, sitting two seats away. She thought she saw something pink, glowing, but brushed it off. She saw Kendall wear something pink on the first day, but Kendall didn't do it.

"Dancers, take your seats and listen up carefully!"

It was Abby. She had a blindfold with her, a small tub full of water, and towels behind her. There was also a chalkboard with no writing on it.


"Over the night, we had some incidents." Abby twirled the stick around in her fingers and made the s long, like a snake. "We have a missing necklace, missing dance outfits, and missing money."

Everyone gasped and started to whisper nervously to each other. Money? Dance outfits? A necklace? That was three things gone. JoJo shifted in her seat and looked at Nia. Nia stared at her pale face and mouthed, "Was it you?"

JoJo shook her head.

"Miss Abby!" JoJo shouted. "I can't do this anymore."

 Everyone turned to see her face panic stricken. She started to braid her side ponytail and hesitated. "I'm the one who stole Paige's outfits. I got Kendall's roomkey from Nia, who had Chloe's key who had Paige's. I figured that I could get Chloe's necklace that I'm jealous of and then I hurried over to Paige's room. That's when I stole the money, too."

JoJo started to cry hard. "I can accept consequences now," she said in between sobs. Abby shook her head and walked into the seat on the end where JoJo sat. JoJo looked over at Abby who was rubbing her back and showing a softer, kinder side.

"You came forward and told the truth. That's all that matters. Can you return it? And thank you for playing along in our little game." Abby smiled and walked back down to the stage? Little game? What did she mean by that?

"Because Jojo stole these items, I decided that we would have a little Trust Week. I decided to pair you guys up, and these pairs will not have any fighting. Understood, loud and clear, everyone?" Abby looked everyone over and flipped over a board. The pairs were on it.

Group A- Chloe, Paige, and JoJo
Group B- Maddie and Brooke
Group C- Nia and Kendall
Group D- Mackenzie and Tyler
Group E- Travis and Sophia
Group F- Autumn and Bostyn
Group G- Asia and Mia
Group H- Zack and Lucas


Groups A, C, E, and G- Blindfold one person. The other person must guide the blindfolded one across the stage without coming in contact with the water which they could slip on. This is a game of skill and strategy. Team to do this fastest wins.

Groups B, D, F, and H- Make up a dance with partner-stunts. Group H: All you have to do is some cheer-stunts. If you watch football games, you'll know what I mean. This will build the relationship and the trust between you two. Good luck!

"Get with your groups, please."

Everyone scurried around the room to find their partner. Once the groups were found, Abby quieted everyone down. "If you have the dance assignment, please, go and make up a dance. If you have the blindfold challenge."

Some of the kids ran out of the room, while others watched. Abby got out a timer and looked at the groups. "Chloe, Paige, and JoJo. I would like you to blindfold JoJo. Chloe and Paige, I feel like you two don't trust JoJo and would do something to sabotage her, while JoJo doesn't trust you for that reason. Understand?"

The girls nodded.

"Great! So, come down here, and we'll get started. Just make sure she doesn't step on-" Abby paused and picked up the tub full of water. She spilled it all over the stage , leaving a slim pathway for the three girls to fit across. "This water. Be careful, it's slippery, and once you step on it, you get soaked."

Abby smiled and Paige, JoJo, and Chloe got in a huddle. "JoJo, you're blindfolded. You're going to be in the middle of us," Paige explained. "Chloe will be leading the expedition across the stage, telling us where not to step. I'll be in the back, steering JoJo. Ready?"

The girls nodded and smiled at each other. Abby handed JoJo the blindfold and stepped out of the way. Chloe walked onto the stage and with one foot, felt around. "Just make sure she goes straight ahead!" Chloe yelled.

Paige nodded. "Kay!"

Chloe stopped after she took five steps. "Stop!" Paige came to a halt, throwing JoJo forward. JoJo bumped into Chloe, causing her to slip fall in the water, and bump her head against the floor. JoJo screamed in shock.

Chloehit the top of her head when she had fallen. "Chlo!" Paige screamed. She rolled Chloe over to reveal a nasty bump on her forehead the size of a small orange. It was red and you could hear it thumping.

Chloe sat up and heald onto her head, starting to cry. "Miss Abby, can you get someone to come and help her?" Paige asked while looking at her. Abby stared at Chloe then walked as fast as she could over to her phone.

"I'm calling the nurse who lives here." Paige nodded and helped Chloe off the stage and into one of the seats, laying her across it. Sophia ran down next to Chloe's side and looked at the bump. It looked bad.

"Ouch. Are you going to be okay Chloe?"

Chloe noddeed her head, which caused her more pain. "All I need is some ice," she explained. "This has happened before, I know what to do. I've got something bigger than this, I had to cover it up with make-up it was so bad."

"Do you think you'll be able to dance?" Sophia asked, giving a strange looking smile.

"Definetely," Chloe answered. "Not going home yet."

Sophia gave another twisted smile. "Well, that's a shame. I was hoping to really actually win this. You and Maddie are by far my biggest competition, along with Kalani, but she got eliminated." Sophia smiled. "The boys are a threat, too. I mean, c'mon. Do you really think the audience will not vote for them?"

Chloe sighed. "They don't do it based on votes."

"You're right," Sophia smiled. "I guess it's really game on."


more secrets revealed! more soon! xx

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