Chapter 40- The Critic's Say

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Ending of Book Countdown: Last Chapter! :( 


Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia stood backstage as their props were moved onto the stage. Their dance was really short, but really challenging. It was more on the jazz edge, but had a contemporary feel to it. They dance really well together.

Maddie was flipping out. She knew something would go wrong today, but didn't know what. She hoped someone wouldn't get hurt, but something a little less. Maybe  somebody wouldn't have a prop ready to go.

Their prop was officially set up, and introductions were made. Kevin was wearing a big green suit, instead of his usual black and white. "Oh my gosh," Maddie whispered. "That is one ugly suit." She scrunched up her nose and laughed.

"No, I think we are wearing the ugliest," Sophia stated, motioning to their costume.

The three girls laughed and waited for their cue. Maddie fiddled with her thumbs, looking out onto the huge stage. The lights were dimmed, except for a spotlight on Kevin who was announcing the girls.

"Our first dance is a contemporary-jazz piece. As you may know, the dances this week were inspired off of movies and incorporated some sort of prop. This prop is a table and chairs and the movie is Goodfellas. Please help me welcome to the stage, Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia, performing to Rags to Riches!"

The three girls walked onto the stage, sitting at their chairs. Maddie started the dance off first. She did an eight-count section by herself on the table. Then, Sophia joined in on the ground. Brooke was the last one to join in, making all three girls dance in unison.

The dance ended about one minute after that. They danced perfectly together, not missing a beat. The dance wasn't exactly easy, but easy enough to stay together. It was good that they had a shorter dance, since they could get everything together.

Rachelle really liked it. She had a big smile on her face the entire time. Kevin walked over to the three breathless girls. Maddie had her hands on her knees, breathing heavy. She still did have a big smile on her face.

"Okay, let's start with Maddie. What do you think she deserves?" Abby gave her an eight, Richie, a seven, and Rachelle a ten. She got an overall score of 25. "Sophia?" Abby gave her a nine, Richie, a nine, and Rachelle a ten. She got an overall score of 28. "And lastly, Brooke. What do you think?" Abby and Richie both gave her a seven, and Rachelle gave her a ten. She got an overall score of 24.

"Okay, why did we give Brooke the lowest overall score?" Kevin asked.

Brooke drew in a sharp breath and waited for the critiques. Abby was first. She shifted in her seat and cleared her throat. "Well, during the dance, the three of us were talking about the performance. Brooke, we thought you were great, just nothing spectacular. Rachelle said she loved it, but Richie and I can both agree that you didn't stand out, but the technique and performance was there."

Brooke nodded and smiled. She was fine with that, since basically, she was fine. She didn't think she would be in the bottom. She just had to go back to find out who would be in the bottom. "We'll see you back here soon, Brooke," Kevin said, motioning the three girls off the stage.

Paige and Zack's prop were already set up as soon as they got there when the three girls exited the stage. Paige was nervous. She walked on the stage with Zack after the introduction and up the ladder to her prop.

The music started she ran to Zack, encasing him in a hug and vice versa. When she did a lift, she felt her feet not pointed, but flexed. She pointed them, but then they became sickled. Paige started freaking out, and the rest of the dance she tried to work on her point and not think about anything else.

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