Chapter 35- Sadness on an Exciting Day

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Wooow, look who updated! I am so sorry guys, read the A/N at end!!!

Maddie paced back stage, fiddling with her thumbs. There was a sold-out crowd today, since more people found out about the competition in LA. Maddie was super nervous for it. Why was she so nervous?

"Welcome, welcome welcome!" Kevin shouted over the crowd. Everyone cheered and died down. Maddie hiccuped and shook all the nervousness out of her head.

"This week is 80's week. We asked all who purchased a ticket to dress up like we plucked you right out of the era. Thank you to everyone, since you all did! We are going to start this competition out with a bang. We also have a special appearance from a past competitor, Bostyn Brown!"

This only made everyone cheer louder. Kevin nodded and Abby shivered. This was the best response from her little competition ever. Maybe it was because it was sold out, but who knows.

"Before we begin, Abby has a special announcement about the competition. Abby, take it away!" The crowd cheered as Abby walked on to the stage, grabbing the microphone from Kevin. She cleared her throat and fixed her outfit.

"This week, we have decided to change the way we give critiques. We aren't, which is simply that. We are going to give each dancer a score out of 10, and the people with the lowest scores will come back up and we will tell them who is on the bottom. I feel like giving the critiques wasn't a good idea since they have been dragged on."

Maddie raised an eyebrow from backstage. This was news to her. She got to see exactly what the judges though about her, and she didn't know if she was excited or nervous. She waited for Kevin to announce their dance.

"We are going to start with a jazz trio to 'Take on Me.' The three dancers in here are an amazing combination and we all really feel like you are going to enjoy this dance. Here they are, Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia!"

The three girls strutted on stage into their beginning poses. Maddie and Sophia were off to the sides, while Brooke was in the middle doing some acro moves. Then, the two girls danced joined in with Brooke.

Abby squinted her eyes while watching the girls. Something seemed off. Maddie seemed to be a beat behind, and she knew it. Her face was almost twisted into a frown she wasn't hitting any of the moves as sharp as she needed to be.

At the end of the dance, they only got a mediocre clap.

"Judges, what do you think Maddie deserved?" Maddie held her breath. Richy held up a four, Rachelle a six, and Abby a two. Maddie raised an eyebrow. She had gotten a twelve out of thirty. That was less than half.

"What about Sophia?" Sophia smiled at her results. All three judges gave her a nine. Twenty-seven out of thirty wasn't too shabby. She knew that she wasn't going to be on the bottom this week, which was a good step into winning.

"And Brooke?" Richy and Rachelle gave Brooke a ten, and Abby gave her a nine. A twenty-nine! Brooke was super pleased, but also really sad for Maddie. She had been working really hard and was bound to win the competition.

"Maddie, we will see you back before the break, yes?" Abby asked.

Maddie nodded, disappointed. 

"Okay, well, next is a duet. It is our first tap dance of the day. This is our usual duet between Zack and Chloe. We hope you enjoy Love Shack!" Chloe walked on stage and took a couple of deep breaths. After seeing Maddie totally blow it, she was nervous.

The music began. Chloe looked over at Zack once or twice to make sure she was doing the steps right. She felt a little uneasy and her smile was barely covering it. She was especially getting nervous about her little solo part.

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