Chapter 14- Saying Goodbye

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Nia wiped her eyes from the tears. Maddie was patting her back and Chloe looked at her nervously. "Nia, what happened? You were great!" Chloe whispered to her as they did a quick wipe-down of the stage,. "You shouldn't be crying."

 "C-C-Chloe, I didn't want to start the competition off like this. I didn't get to dance last week. I had awful critiques. My feet were awful. And this costume looks awful on me and is overall awful. Gianna treated me horrible with this costume and I messed it up with my feet." She cried once more.

 "Please help me welcome to the stage, Chloe and Zack, performing a dance to A Whole New World from Alladin!" Chloe looked over at Nia, not wanting to leave the poor girl. Nia nodded while Maddie held her in her arms. Chloe brushed her brown wig to the side and walked on stage.

 She remembered the voice in her head from Joyce. Travis walked in halfway through rehearsal and watched the dance and critiqued both of them. But Chloe was a ballerina, it didn't matter and she was bound to be good.

 The dance started with them on the floor together, on a carpet. Then, they started to dance in perfect sync, not missing a beat. The lift they had to do was a little shaky, but overall great. Abby even looked shocked. When the dance ended, the audience gave them a standing ovation and the two walked over to where Kevin was standing.

 "Abby?" Kevin said.

 "Um, wow. Chloe, I knew you were a ballerina, and I knew you would be great in this dance. You were. Zack, this was better than anything. You, from what I heard, were rocky in rehearsals. But this made me thing you two came from the Nutcracker." Chloe smiled and gave Zack a hug.

 "Um, yeah, this gets a finger wave," Richie told them, making them laugh. "Great duet, I want to see more from you two in the future." The two walked off stage bowing, then laughing. Nia and Maddie were gone, and in replace was Paige and Travis.

 "Chlo! You guys did awesome!" She glanced over at Travis and gave his hand a small squeeze. "I don't think our ballet piece can beat yours," she admitted. "All though I think we can do well!!" Travis nodded.

 "Now, our last dance before we find out who has a chance of leaving us and break. So, let's welcome to the stage Paige and Travis performing a dance to the song from Rapunzel, At Last I See the Light!"

 Paige took two deep breaths and walked on stage. She was a nervous wreck and wanted to impress everyone, and to prove Abby she made a right choice. She remembered thinking how she wanted to show off her ballet side.

 The music started. Her timing was good, not great. Travis was making her look good, hopefully it was the affect that he had that could make the judges overlook what was going on. When the dance ended, they also got a standing ovation. It was going to be a long night with hard descisions.

"Travis and Paige, Paige and Travis," Rachelle said, eyeing the two. "Where do I begin?! You guys are absolutely perfect, and Travis, if you were my age, I would say to you, 'Call me sometime.' But, I am going to say to you, HOLY CRAP YOU ARE AWESOME! And Paige, you are pulling that costume off and I think your long hair looks gorgeous on you."

 Paige and Travis smiled. "I think that's all we have to say," Abby announced. "I need the other five dancers." Maddie, Nia, Tyler, Chloe, and Zack walked on stage. Chloe had taken her hair out of the wig and thrown on a sweatshirt and jeans over her costume. Zack was changed into regular clothes. Maddie and Nia were in the process of being transformed into dwarves.

 "We have two people on the bottom. It's..." Abby looked at the other two and whispered something to them. They whispered something back. "I'm sorry, there's only one person. Nia, Maddie please step forward." Whispers were said among the crowds. Maddie? She was flawless.

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