Chapter 15- Sharing Secrets

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Mia touched up her make-up. Her and eight other girls were meeting together for a little bonding. Not everyone at the competition was close friends, so they decided that this would be good for their relationship.

 They were going over to Room D, where Brooke and Bostyn were. They ordered some snacks and some movies, Pitch Perfect, Step Up All-In, Divergent and the first two Hunger Games movies, and they had asked Abby if they could have a sleepover.

 "Lucas, are you having the boys come over?" She asked her roommate, fixing her beanie.

 "Yeah, you going over to D?" He replied.

 "Mhhmm. Just don't let them touch my stuff or else I will kill you in your sleep," Mia told him, giggling. "So, without further adieu, I'm gonna go over to my new friends' room and I will see ya at dinner tomorrow."

 Lucas faked gasped. "You're going away from me?"

 "Yeah," Mia responded laughing. She grabbed her sleepover stuff and walked out the door. "Remember not to let them touch my stuff!" She called over her shoulder. She walked down a few rooms before coming to a room with music blaring. She knocked and Paige came to the door.

 "Hey, Mia! We are in the dance room, sleeping in the living room. I'll take ya stuff, um, you are the last person to arrive, and we thought we could do play Confessions!" Paige smiled and took her sleeping bag and pillow. "Follow me."

 The girls were singing on top of their lungs. Mia surveyed the room. It was her, Paige, Brooke, Bostyn, Sophia, Chloe, Autumn, Kendall, and Maddie. They were singing along to Chandelier and Maddie didn't dance along, to what was her famous dance routine.

 "MIA IS HERE!" Paige screamed. The girls all looked over and squealed. "Confessions? Brooke, Chloe, want to teach them how to play?" The two girls nodded and stood up, then walked over to the front of the room.

 "This is really easy," Chloe told them. "Hat with the names please?" Brooke passed her the hat.

 "So, what you do, is the oldest person, picks names out of the hat. Then, the person she picks has to stand up. She has to choose a confession category: Love, friends, or food. Love, it can be anything. Bands or boys, no limits. Friends, it's if you think someone is annoying, even if they are in the room. Food, if you like, don't like chocolate or something."

 The girls all nodded and Brooke took the hat from Chloe. "Okay, I am picking, I am picking, my hand is searching for one... Got it. Maddie. Love, friends, or food?" Maddie chewed on her lip a bit then looked back at the girls.


 Every gaped and teased her. Brooke had to shush them all down, and Maddie walked to the front of the room. "Everyone is having conspiracies here, how if you share a room with a boy, you end up liking him. I share a room with Kendall, so I can still fall in love with a boy, right?" The girls nodded. "So, due to the dance I had with him this past week and spending all this time with him, I think I like Tyler."

 Everyone gasped. Kendall squealed and pointed at Maddie. "I knew it Mads! I knew it! You would always blush when he is around, and you guys played Cinderella and Prince Charming this past week!"

 "Yeah," Maddie replied laughing. "But it won't happen. He likes Kalani, I know he does. They've been contacting each other for the past week, ever since she left. I hear it in the room next to ours. He's on the phone." She sighed and plopped down on the wooden floor. "'Kay, someone else go, please."

 Brooke rummaged through the hat until she picked one up. "Hey, Chloe, it's ya turnn," Brooke mocked. Chloe hated confessing, but she still loved the game. She brushed her wavy hair behind her shoulders and stared out into the crowd.

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