Chapter 5- Practice Makes... Issues?

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Maddie Ziegler and Kendall Vertes walked into Studio A on the third level of their "new home." Alex Wong was in there, choreographing some sharp, flowy movements to what seemed like a slow rapper. The movements looked pretty tough.

 "Girls, girls, girls. So glad you are here. So, the song is Lost Ones by J. Cole, as you know. It is the chorus over and over and over again for two minutes, because that part is what I feel like goes along with the theme."

 "What theme?" Maddie asked.

 "You guys will be stopping your career. Out of the blue. Many people will be disappointed, so you are saying sorry. You're costumes will be so elegant and beautiful, the movements sharp and hard, and your facials out of the park, and if you execute it, you will both be safe this week."

 The girls nodded and Alex smiled. "Great! Now let's start. Maddie, start in the back corner, and Kendall in this front corner." The girls walked to their spots and sat down. "Now, while sitting, face thte wings you're closest to. Then, I made it so their was drums in the beginning and I want you to circle your leg around and get up. Then chase, SUPER BIG LEAP, two chaines, and then stop whatever direction your facing and do some movement to face the audience."

 Kendall and Maddie looked at each other as Alex put the music on. The girls listened to it, and Alex told them to do it. The girls sat at their spots and the music started. Amazingly, they did it without any flaws.

 "That was amazing girls! Let's move on." Alex gave them tough choreo fast. After fifty-five minutes, they already had about one minute out of the two minute dance perfected and down.

 "Alright girls, let's run the dance over." The music played. Alex watched. Maddie and Kendall danced their hearts out, until the big turn section came, with many aerials back into the turns again, over and over again.

 "A la second, a la second, fouette, three pirouettes, fouette, fouette, calypso! Chaine, chaine, aerial! KENDALL! What are you doing? Maddie, you forgot the second chaine, keep on going. Reach, prep, fouette, fouette, double, front attitude, chaine, chaine, chase, grande jete!"

 The girls landed on the floor with a grunt. Alex walked over to the two girls and shook his head. "What happened to that turn section, huh? You guys had that perfect, I couldn't even do it like you two. Then, you turned at different speeds, did it wrong, and it was awful. You two are dismissed, see you at 11. Please, practice."

 The two girls walked out of the studio. Maddie was upset. She never ever ever in here life messed up as big as that. Well, that was what she thought. And Kendall, she wanted everything to be perfect. She wanted to win.

 Kendall started crying and Maddie took notice almost right after one tear slipped from her eye. "Kendall, don't start crying, you have nothing to cry about!" Maddie told her best friend. "We were both tired and Alex pushed us super hard today. We can practice a little bit before our next rehearsal."

 "Yeah," Kendall muttered. "And I will mess up again."

 "Kendall, stop treating yourself like this!" Maddie practically screamed. Tyler and Kalani looked at the two girls awkwardly before proceeding to their reharsal. "You're way better than what you think and when you treat yourself like this it makes me want to scream! So stop!"

 Kendall looked at Maddie before giving her a hug and a big cry. "I love you, best friend."

 Maddie smiled. "I love you too."


Zack took a sip of his water. Maud was being super hard on them. She was amazing, they weren't the best. Simple as that. He looked over at Chloe as she sighed and rubbed the side of her tap shoe. She leaned her head against the wall.

 "What was that for?" He asked her.

 "When I was younger, I used to take tap three times a week. I wasn't the best at it and I figured that my 'good luck', when I was doing really good, was when I rubbed the side of my shoe and leaned my head up against a wall. It really works."

 "Oh." Zack leaned his head up against the wall, dangerously close to Chloe. He had a crush on Paige, however. Chloe was only a duet partner who he had to strangely share a room with. He wondered why he had to share a room with a girl and not like Lucas or someone like that.

 "Chloe, Zack, let's run Suit and Tie once more. I'll call out the steps for y'all so you don't have to suffer." They laughed and Chloe and Zack got up. For this piece, the two would have to go through a quick costume change. That meant they were going to rip off the top costume on stage.

 "Okay, Chloe, chaine chaine, step slide. Zack enter smoothly. Hop brush step heel step heel heel ball change scuff step heel heel. Turn, and Chloe pirouettes while Zack does the turn around her. Okay, okay. That was a bad release, Chloe."

 The dance was pretty difficult. Chloe had to do ten pirouettes while Zack did some turns around her. "Do them like how Eleanor Powell would," Maud had explained. "Except make it so people will say, 'Do it like Zack Torres would."

 The two ended their dance, which was finished, with Chloe in Zack's arms. Maud walked over to them, shrugging her shoulders. "For one hour, I thought that it was amazing. But if you had learned this dance in a year, it would be awful and I couldn't bear to watch. Keep practicing guys, you'll get the hang of it super soon."

 Chloe and Zack sat down outside of their rehearsal room to take off their shoes. "So, Chloe, want to go swimming then come back and practice a little bit?" Zack asked. Chloe shrugged and kept focusing on her tap shoes.

 "What's the matter?"

 Chloe loookoed up at him. She had awet face and red eyes. She let out a high-pitched screech and rubbed her ankle. "Zack, I hurt my ankle. I can't move it. I CAN'T MOVE IT!" She leaned her head on the floor and slammed against it with her fist. "I need help! I need help!"

 Zack stood up and searched for something. "I'll get Maud!" He yelled as he ran into the room. Maud was choreographing something for Paige.

 "Maud, Chloe hurt her ankle!" He screamed over the loud music. Maud ran over and paused the music. She looked at him with big eyes before running out and seeing Chloe lieing on the floor holding her ankle in pain.

 "I can't move it!" She yelled.

 "Get Abby!" Maud screamed.

 Zack ran into Abby's room without permission. It was big and nice. "Ms. Abby, Chloe hurt her ankle!" Abby turned around from her desk and smirked. She shook her head and turned back to the desk.

 "Tell me that after the ambulance comes and she is examined."


oooh kill em.

thanks for reading, btw. ilyyyyyy.

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its about to get real all up in here.

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