Chapter 1- Arrival

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People were lined up at the front door, nervously chatting with the people they were with. Their parents were not here, only themselves and maybe a brother or sister. They were all here, however, because they had amazing talent that couldn't be surpassed.

  The doors swung open suddenly, and there was Abby Lee Miller, the master-mind behind everything. She smiled as she studied everyone. "Welcome to your new home. Please follow me," she said as she turned around and marched back into the castle.

  They went through many twists and turns. "I can't believe how huge this place is!" Mackenzie Ziegler exclaimed to her older sister, Maddie Ziegler. "I feel like royalty!"

  Maddie laughed and smiled. "So do I, Kenz! I can't believe we are here. I hope we get a duet."

  Mackenzie's face lit up. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" she exclaimed. "Something about sisters, too, since we are sisters."

  "Here we are!" Abby exclaimed to the kids as she walked into a big open area with a stage in the front and rows of seats in the back. "Please take a seat in the chairs."

  The kids ran excitedly to the seats and sat down. One specific girl, Autumn Miller, looked at Abby with a humongous smile plastered on her face.

  "Is everyone settled?" Abby asked. Everyone nodded and Abby went over to a big board. Everyone's face was put on it. Abby looked at the board, thinking.

  "Madison Ziegler," she said. "Would you show me your fouette into a triple ballet pirouette, please?" Maddie nodded and got up she walked to the center of the stage and did the turn combo. Abby nodded in approval. "Very well done. Chloe Lukasiak, show me your grand gete  please."

  The girl named Chloe Lukasiak nodded and ran to the center of the stage. She couldn't wait to show everyone why she came here. She did it perfectly, and to top it off, ended with one hand up as if she was posing.

  "Okay, Chloe, that is enough, thanks. Paige Hyland. Back layout. Now." Paige Hyland stood up and did her back layout perfectly. Abby nodded and smiled. "Impressive," she complimented. "Now, it's your sister's turn. Please do four jazz pirouettes."

  Brooke Hyland started to sweat. She wasn't one to turn, and why did her sister get to do acro and she didn't? Brooke still went on stage and did it. One, two, thr-. She was about to count three in her head when she stopped.

  She only did two.

  Abby shrugged and waved Brooke off. "You need practice, Honey, I'm sorry." Brooke nodded. She wasn't going to cry in front of Abby, she didn't want to come across as weak. She mumbled an, "Alright," and hurried off stage.

  "Nia Fraizer, I would  like it if you did the same thing Maddie did, but only do two pirouettes." Nia Fraiser smiled. She knew who Madison Ziegler was, and in her eyes, being able to do the same thing as her, was a great compliment. She went to the stage and did the turn. Abby smiled. "Great job, Nia. Next we have Kendall Vertes."

  Kendall ran onstage and looked at Abby. Abby smirked and told her, "Side arial. I want to see what you can do." Kendall nodded and started to do a plie when, "Kendall, stop! You guys, when I say 'side arial,' I say, 'side arial.' Not, plie and side arial! Ears open! Go Kendall."

  Kendall, now intimidated, did the side areal but, failed and landed on her right shoulder. "Owww," she mumbled as she hung onto her shoulder.

  Abby shook her head. "I think that is enough for today. Now, we have some room assignments. Most of you will not be happy with who you are with, but life is full of disappointments" Abby cleared her throat and looked at everyone.

  "In room A will be Asia Monet Ray and Sophia Lucia. Both of you can help out the other, especially when it comes to lyrical." Sophia and Asia hugged and ran off to the room, following somebody.

  "In room B will be Kalani Hillicker and Tyler Atwood. I think that in the near future, you will maybe understand why." Kalani and Tyler gathered their stuff and followed somebody to their room.

  "In room C, will be Nia Fraizer and JoJo Siwa. You both will learn what it truly takes to be a dancer, and both of you can help out the other." Nia and JoJo nodded, got up, and went to their room in awkward scilence. Abby shrugged as she watched the two girls walk out.

  "In room D, we have Brooke Hyland and Bostyn Brown. You can very well learn from each other, girls." Brooke forced a smile on her face. She wished she was sharing a room with either her sister or Chloe. Not Bostyn.

  "In room E," Abby continued, "will be Paige Hyland and Travis Atwood. Your styles can be different, so this will help you two out." Paige shrugged and tried to stay far away from him. Travis sighed and followed his roomy to the room.

  "Room F will occupy Madison Ziegler and Kendall Vertes." Abby paused as the girls stood up. They were both smiling, so Abby must have put together two best friends. "Good luck," Abby shouted after the two. "You'll need it!"

  After that Abby nodded. "I think I will make some changes. Room G was supposed to occupy Autumn and Lucas, but room G will now have Mia Diaz and Lucas Trinia." Mia nodded and got up. She wasn't happy since she was stuck with a boy, but who knows what could happen, right? "I think these two know very well why they are in the same room together," Abby told them. Mia shook her head and walked out.

  "Room H will have Chloe Lukasiak and Zach Torres. You both are underestimated, so I want to see the partner work. I want to see the technique. I want to see everything change, and you two can help each other." Chloe rolled her eyes and walked up to the person leading her into the room. Lucas was right behind her. Oh joy, she thought.

   "And last, but not least, Room I," Abby told the remaining two. "Autumn Miller and Mackenzie Ziegler. Mackenzie, you were supposed to be with Mia, but I think Autumn will have more of an... impact on you." Mackenzie nodded. She was excited for everything. And to top it all off, she is paired with Autumn Miller! Mackenzie ran with Autumn to her room. She was excited.

 Meanwhile, Abby Lee Miller stared at the photos of all of the dancers and thought. If she could sabotage some dancers, it would make the show more exciting. Quickly, she wrote some things down on a piece of paper and called in one of her butlers.

 "Take this to Jeff," she told him. "I think he will find it quite interesting. And give me the phone. It's dinner time." 


ik, this was kind of a filler, but i hope you enjoyed to those who are reading! i am updating all day, so look out!


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