Chapter 10- Trust Issues

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Chloe woke up with a start the next day. Her heart was pounding. She just had the worse dream ever. It was more like a nightmare. Everyone was taunting her, saying how bad the duet was. It was her worse nightmare.

"Hey, Chloe, are you okay?" A voice said from the dark corner. An alarm clock flashed 4:20 AM. Chloe's fuzzy black blanket was on the other bed. Her clothes were scattered on the floor. She turned on the reading light and see Zach in his bed, all the way in the corner.

"Yeah... I'm fine. What happened?"
Zach shrugged. "I was sleeping, right? Then, I heard a super loud BANG! I woke up and saw- I don't know who it was- rummaging through your drawers before they found what looked like a necklace. Next thing I know, she takes your blanket, places it over here, feels your bed where it was, and then left. I pretended to sleep, but I don't know why it happened."

Chloe's eyes widened. "Necklace? Was it sort of shiny and did it have a pink glow?"

Zach nodded.

"Zach, call Miss Abby! Somebody stole my necklace! My mom gave it to me before I left!! It was a locket, too! What would somebody be doing looking for it?" She started to panic and breath heavily. Zach reached for his phone and dialed Miss Abby's number.
After a few minutes of Zach getting yelled at for waking her up, Abby finally came to her senses. A few minutes later, a small knock came from the door. Zach opened it up, and there Abby was, in a cheetah print onesie.
"So, Zach, you said this person looked like Chloe but wasn't Chloe?"

Zach nodded. "I didn't see the hair color. This person was dressed in all black, and the only thing she said was, 'Where is the darn necklace that I saw her wearing?!' It kind of freaked me out, that somebody snuck in."
Chloe's eyes widened. She only gave her key to three people: Paige, Brooke, and Maddie. It had to be one of those three, even though she knew it couldn't be one of them. She trusted them too much.

But what if they gave the key away?

"Zach, who's voice did it sound like?"

"Um, either Kendall, Maddie, or Nia. I doubt it was Maddie, she was sleeping, you could hear Kendall whispering next to us. You know, because they're in the room right next to us, which is kind of weird, how the rooms were set up. B next to G? Strange."

"Did you hear Kendall say anything?"
Zach nodded. "She said, 'Where did Maddie put that key?'"

Chloe swallowed hard. Kendall definitely would not do that. She did compliment the necklace, but mostly everyone did. All of a sudden, Chloe felt dizzy. She sat back down and rubbed her temple.

Kendall wouldn't do it.

"Miss Abby, can I go back to sleep and can we have a meeting tomorrow morning?" Chloe asked. Abby nodded. "I need sleep, too," she said.

Chloe closed her eyes.

Kendall wouldn't do it.
An alarm went off. It was 5:45. Kendall rubbed her temples and hopped out of a bed. She shuffled over to the bathroom and washed her face. It seemed pretty quiet, she didn't hear anyone talking.

Kendall opened up the Key Case. A lot of people had given the girls extra keys, since they were most popular and most trustworthy.

Kendall had kept her jewelry and makeup in the Key Case, too. However, when she opened it up, something didn't seem right. There were only three keys out of the six they had.


Kendall spun around and saw Maddie with bags under her eyes and frizzy hair. "Maddie? You look awful. Anyways, more things are important right now. Three of the keys are missing. We have... Mackenzie's, Brooke's, and Asia's. Nia's, Chloe's and Paige's are missing."

"Somebody probably snuck in and stole them!" Maddie exclaimed. "We have to let Miss Abby know at the meeting today!"

Kendall was confused. There was a meeting today? About what?

"It's at 7. Can you wash up and can I take a shower?" Maddie asked.

Kendall nodded. "You can go first, Mads. I'll pick out an outfit for you."
Kendall walked over to the closet. She opened it up and looked through all the outfits. For herself, she picked out a cute v-neck turquoise shirt with black skinny jeans. Her dance outfit was a black sports bra with turquoise stripes on the side and turquoise shorts with black stripes on the side. For Maddie, she picked out the same outfit, just reversed.

The shower stopped. Kendall looked over at the time. 6:27.

Nervously, she picked up the item on the bedside table.

She knew what this meeting would be about.
At 7:00, Nia walked down to the auditorium with JoJo. To say the least, she was nervous.

Rumor has it, Chloe found out that her beloved necklace was gone.

JoJo also had a nervous look on her face. Did she know something, too?

It was going to be a very dramatic morning.
What did you think? Comment below!
Who do you think did it?
What will be their punishment?
Was there more than one incident, is that why everyone is so nervous?
Do you think everyone is so nervous because they think that something non-stealing wise is happening?
And finally, what was the object in Kendall's hand?
That's all coming up next in this story! Stay tuned!
(Ps, sorry for not updating. School and dance and other things pop up.)

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