Chapter 25- Attitude in Both Ways

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Maddie, Sophia, and Brooke ran their trio backstage. The girls were nervous and the costumes were itchy and tight. And on top of that, the dance was easy, which was a recipe for disaster.

"Brookie!" Paige whispered to her sister. She was backstage with duet partner, Travis. They were third, the last ones to go before the break.

"What?" Brooke snapped back.

"Good luck!" Paige gave her a hug and Brooke stuck out her tongue. The girls ran over their trio once last time before the lights dimmed and Kevin walked on stage.

Competition days were always nerve wracking, you never knew what to expect.

"Welcome, to our fourth week! Time has flown by, ladies and gentlemen. But, no time to mope because we have a terrific trio coming up for you, performed by Sophia, Maddie, and Brooke! It's musical theater and to the song, Dream Girls!"

Maddie and Sophia ran over to their starting side. They had to be perfect, all three of them, or else this was going to go down hill. The lights shined onstage and the girly music started. They walked on one by one and the choreography started.

The dance started off really together and entertaining. Then, as time went on, the girls got tired. Sophia was the only one who kept up with the music. When the dance ended, Maddie and Brooke knew they were in trouble.

"Okay, so, Abby! Would you like to start?" Kevin asked.

Abby nodded. "Today, I noticed that Brooke was slouchy again. You started out great in the beginning, but the middle to the end was a complete mess. Maddie, you were OK. I feel like more parts could've been stronger, but it's not your fault, don't worry about it. Sophia, on the money, as usual. I think I speak for my colleagues when I say this."

Richie and Rachelle nodded. Brooke closed her eyes. This wasn't good. She had one shot left, it was either make it, or break it, in the group routine.

"Okay, ladies, thank you! Now, we are going to start our duets. Well, some of them. First is the lovely Chloe dancing jazz with Zack, to These Boots Were Made for Walking!"

Chloe strutted onstage and Zack sat on the edge of the stage like he was told. Chloe held her pose for two eight counts while Zack pretended to be on the phone with another girl. Then, the music actually started.

Chloe walked right over to them and they did a little combo. Chloe did an aerial down to her knee, then did a fan kick into a pose. Zack did the same thing, but opposite. His legs felt like jello he was that nervous.

At the end Chloe pushed Zack off the stage. It was Chloe's favorite part of the dance. What girl doesn't like pushing guys around? Chloe smiled and gave Zack a hug with a laugh and walked to the center.

"Wow! Awesome!" Kevin smiled. "Rachelle?"

"Tell me something kiddos, do you two enjoy dancing together?" She asked.

Chloe shrugged. "Of course I do. He's the best male partner to have because he gets the choreography and he's strong enough to do lifts! Who doesn't like lifts?"

Abby raised her hand, and everyone laughed.

"Okay, back to the real deal," Rachelle said, clearing her throat. "Honestly, you two are so entertaining and the movements are clear to understand, all I did was sit back and relax. Abby, Richy, agree?"

The two judges nodded.

"Great!" Kevin clapped for them and they bowed. "Thanks guys! But time to move on. This dance is performed by Paige and Travis, our 'couple' here. It's to Dancing on My Own in jazz, here we go!"

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