Chapter 17- Mixing It Up

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At 6 AM, people in fancy suits knocked at the door's rooms. Zack was the first one to answer the door. He got up and the man handed him two envelopes. "Ms. Abby is sick this morning, here are your schedules," he said.

Zack opened up his envelope. His schedule was printed in green handwriting. He scanned the paper before finding his name. "Chloe!" He whispered. "Our schedules!"

Chloe woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Okay," she said groggily. She looked at the schedule. It looked like this:

7:00-8:00: Get Ready/Breakfasts Delivered
8:00-9:00: Rehearsals for Maddie and Tyler; Kendall and Mia; Jojo, Asia, and Lucas; Chloe
9:00-10:00- Rehearsals for Brooke and Bostyn; Paige
10:00-11:00- Rehearsals for Mackenzie and Autumn; Travis
11:00-12:00- Rehearsal for Sophia and Zack
12:00-1:00- Trip to Olive Garden
1:00-2:00- Rehearsals for Maddie and Tyler; Kendall and Mia; Jojo, Asia, and Lucas; Chloe
2:00-3:00- Rehearsals for Brooke and Bostyn; Paige
3:00-4:00- Rehearsals for Mackenzie and Autumn; Travis
5:00-6:00- Rehearsal for Sophia and Zack
6:00-7:00- Dinner; Delivered to Room
7:00-9:00- Group Rehearsal

All breakfast this week will be berries and pancakes with orange juice. All lunch this week will be at Olive Garden. All dinner this week will be hot dogs or hamburgers. Thank you, I will try to be better soon.

-Abby Lee Miller

Chloe groaned. She didn't want greasy food for dinner all week, but was glad about Olive Garden. She absolutely loved Olive Garden, and it would be a great get away from this dance building. "I'm starving," she announced.

As if on cue, a knock came from a door. The aroma of berries and pancakes filled the room. Chloe changed her mind. Maybe this would be a good week.


Maddie paced in her room. She had her tap bag with all the necessities, but she was nervous. The greasy pancakes she just ate didn't help either. She was especially nervous that she had to see Tyler.

After hearing two days ago that Tyler asked Kendall out, her best friend, who was also 12, made her feel queasy. She liked him a lot, but how could she do that now? A timer on her phone went off for 7:45, and she walked down to the rehearsal space.

Tyler was in there, scrolling through his phone. "Hey, Maddie! Are you excited?" Maddie shrugged and sat a respectful distance away from him. She was going to tell him.

"Tyler, I have something to tell you..." She whispered. Tyler looked up from his phone and turned it off. He looked at her, making Maddie's stomach turn. Should she really say it?

"I uh..." She began, but stopped as she saw Tyler's gaze. "Um, I'm really excited to dance with you this week! Last week I thought we did good, so we are gonna knock it out of the park this week." She laughed a little and took out her shoes.

"Oh." He said and turned his phone back on.

Maddie sighed. She really lied? Why was she so afraid? She should have just done it, got the feelings over with. Tyler was understanding, super sweet, and, to Maddie, super cute.

"There's one more thing I gotta tell you," she muttered, looking at the ground.

"What? Did Kendall say yes, change her answer again?" He asked anxiously.

That made Maddie get a pain in her gut. "Um, no. But she said she would think about it more." Then she closed her eyes. "But that wasn't what I was going to tell you."

Tyler sighed. "Then what could you possibly tell me? You like my brother, want me to ask him out for you? I know you know him and Paige broke up, but that he's dating Autumn? Did you know that?"

"Actually," Maddie began, a smile growing. "This is going to be really weird, and affect our dancing, but I kind of like you. I think you're sweet, nice, funny, and uh, cute." She laughed and took a sip of water from her bottle.

"Oh," Tyler said, then smiled. "Oh." He laughed and gave her a hug. Maddie did a mini dance and then he pulled away. "But, I do have a friend back at the old studio I could hook you up with. His name is-"

Maud walked into the studio, as if it was on cue. She smiled and looked at the kids, sitting close together. "Are you two, uh, ready to work?" Maud asked, laughing.

"Yes, we definitely are," Maddie said sternly.


After their hour, Tyler and Maddie walked back together. "Um, his name is Riley. He's nice. And you're type." Tyler smiled and shifted his weight.

"That's nice," Maddie replied flatly. "Do you think that you could FaceTime him soon? I can see what he's like." Tyler smiled and nodded.

"Day of competition, totally." He smiled again before walking into his room to change. "See you, and ask Kendall again?" Maddie nodded.

"Of course."


Kendall sighed and put on her jeans. She was asked by Lucas from Mia. Mia told Kendall it hurt her to ask, but she was going to do it. Kendall was asked to date Lucas.

The first thing she did was pick up her phone and dial Jill, her mom. After two rings, she picked up. "Kendall K! I miss you so much! What's up?"

"Two guys asked me on a date," Kendall blurted out. "But one of them likes another girl and one is really nice and I kinda like him but I don't and help?"

Jill sighed on the other end of the phone. "Hon, you know I don't like you dating. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I say you date the kid who you kinda like and only likes you."

"Okay, I'll tell Mia."

"Who?" Jill asked. She had no idea who Mia was.

"Mia Diaz, a new friend. Bye mom, thanks." Kendall hung up the phone and texted Mia.

To: Mia
hey girly, can u tell lucas that yes i will date him? thanks sugarplum!

To: Kendall
ofc I can! I'm happy for you too, even though I am jealous. ;) you're welcome sweet pea. :)

Kendall laughed. Her and Mia came up with nicknames for each other and well, this is what they decided on. Kendall threw on her top and brushed her teeth. Maybe her and Lucas could get their own table at Olive Garden today.


Olive Garden was cleared for the dancers. They sat next to their friends, but this time, Kendall sat next to Lucas. Tyler whistled and sat at the end of the table, with Travis and Zack. He didn't want to be near girls.

Maddie twirled her fork around the pasta that was waiting for her when she got there. Brooke leaned over the table. "Mads, you okay?" Maddie shrugged.

"I don't know. I told Tyler, but he's gonna have me FaceTime his best buddy at the studio Riley. I don't wanna."

Brooke gave her hand a squeeze.

"You are twelve. Don't fret. You'll be just fine. Now, if you excuse me, I'll get back to my Alfredo. And maybe he'll change his mind."

Boy did she hope so.


This week is gonna be different. Next chapter is the competition. Adios! 😂

Check out my other stories:
Strive (discontinued)
One of These Days (completed)
Trying to be Queen (ongoing)
Stranger (cowriting)
The Popular Plan (coming soon!)
Rants (random updates)

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