Chapter 2- Dinnertime

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Kalani slipped out of her wet bathing suit and into her dance attire. Abby strictly told all the competitiors that everytime they were to meet, they were to wear their dance attire. Anyone not would immediatly be eliminated.

 "Hey, K, we're late," Tyler told his roommate as he brushed his teeth. "Abby called, we don't get any dessert tonight."

 "Great," Kalani muttered as she slipped on her TOMS. Her face burned red from anger. Tyler suggested they went swimming in the indoor pool then come back five minutes before dinner. Kalani knew that it wasn't a good idea, but polocies were roommates had to be together all the time.

 "Okay, I'm ready, how about you?" Tyler asked Kalani Kalani flashed a thumbs up sign and they both sprinted out of their room, down two flights of stairs and into the dining room. Everyone was eating their salad and in name order.

 Kalani settled in between Nia and Brooke, two people she had danced with before. A ceasar salad was placed in front of her. The table was quiet and all you could hear was the sound of forks against plates.

 "Well, now that Kalani and Tyler are here, I guess we will start on with the assignments for this week." Everyone lifted their head in unison, as if they knew that was what they had to do. "What will happen this week is I will tell you your assignments and you will all then participate in a challenge to see who will get the advantage for their team."

 Everyone started to nervously chat, except for Sophia and Asia. They were spying on Ms. Abby and knew what this week's challenge was supposed to be.

 "Now, are we all finished with the salad?" Abby asked. Everone nodded. "Great. The chicken pot pie will be out soon. Meanwhile, we will learn the assignments."

 The bowls were swept away from the dancers as Abby stood up and looked around. "This week the theme will be 'SUPERSTARS.' Just think of it.  All the dances are planned to be amazing, if you can do it right." Everyone looked at each nervously.

 "Now," Abby continued, "the styles of dance will be tap, jazz, lyrical, and hip-hop. Maddie Ziegler and Kendall Vertes, please stand up. You will be performing a lyrical duet this week." The girls started smiling and jumping up and down. They knew they were going to be amazing!

 "Chloe and Zack, please stand up. You will be performing a tap duet this week. And it will be hard and fast." The two sat down, they knew that this was not their strongest suit. They just had to be able to pick up choreography.

 "Paige, please stand up. You will be performing a tap solo." Paige quickly sat down and gulped. Tap for her too? This was going to be a challenging week. She knew that she might be going home this week.

 "Brooke and Bostyn, please stand up. You guys will have a jazz duet, hope you enjoy doing it. It is high energy, fun, and full of sass." Brooke sat down, minorly disappointed. Kalani and her were talking and they thought that they would be good together.

 "Mackenzie, please stand up. You will also be performing a tap solo." As she sat down, her head started to pound. Maddie rubbed her back. Tap wasn't Mackenzie's strongest suit. What was she supposed to do?

  "Asia, Lucas, and JoJo. May you all please stand up?" The three got up. Asia and JoJo, who were standing right next to each other, held hands. ''You will all be performing a hip-hop trio and since I picked out the song, I will tell you. It's Never Say Never by Justin Bieber. Good luck kids." The three sat down embarassed as everyone laughed.

 "Kalani and Tyler, will you please stannd up? You will be performing a lyrical duet." Kalani sat down immediatly. Of course it had to be lyrical. A girl and boy duet. This was going to be absolutely awful.

 "Travis, will you please stand up?" Travis nervously stood up. He knew he got a solo. "Travis, I can tell that you know that you have a solo. But what style will it be? Hmm, a little tap won't hurt right? Or maybe jazz? I know. Tap. Your solo is going to be tap." 

 Travis stood there with his mouth open. A solo. Why him. Why was he one of the people cursed besides Paige and Mackenzie? And all of them had tap solos, too? They weren't tappers, no. But they had to pull out every trick in the bag to be able to win.

 "Sophia and Autumn, will you stand up, please?" Sophia and Autumn looked at each other from across the table. They became good friends over the year and knew they were getting a duet. "You guys have a jazz duet and I am expecting it to be AMAZING. Hopefully one of the best duets ever, understand?" The girls nodded.

 "And last but not least, Mia and Nia, will you two stand up?" The girls stood up and looked at each other nervously. "I am giving you two the pleasure to perform a lyrical duet. Give it your all, alright?" The two looked at each other and nodded. They sat down holding hands.

 "Now, who wants some dinner?" Abby asked. The dancers all shouted, "Me!" and their food was brought out.  "I had it ordered from Boston Market, because today is the celebration of Bostyn's birthday. I know it is months after, but let me explain.

 "Each dinner, we will celebrate someone. Out of the hat I chose Bostyn, and thought it would be appropriate to order from that place, understood?" Everyone nodded as Bostyn turned red. Mia nudged her and the two girls laughed.

 "Who will be tomorrow? Not Bostyn, but maybe Kalani. Maybe JoJo. Maybe even Maddie. Who knows? It all depends on the hat." Abby snapped her fingers and a black hat with the word, "DANCE" came out from the table.

 "Bostyn. Pick a name, right out of that hat." Bostyn reached her perfectly polished nails in the hat and pulled out a green piece of paper.

 "It says Sophia on it."

 Sophia smiled and asked, "What are we going to get tomorrow?" Abby shook her head and put her hand over her mouth. Everyone slumped their shoulders and finished eating their food. It was delicious.

 "Now, before dessert," Abby said as she wiped her mouth. "We have the challenge. The winner will win five extra points on their score. You will need it."

 Everyone looked at each other nervously and at their leotards. The boys looked at their muscle tees.

 No wonder they needed them. Some of them even needed diapers.


"Chapter 3- Challenges and Dances" will be up soon. Thanks for reading! THis was kind of a filler, but I promise that hat will come in handy soon!

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