Chapter 8- The Dancing

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"First up," Kevin said speaking into the microphone. "We have a dance about superstars stopping their career. It's a lyrical duet choreographed by Alex Wong. Please welcome to the stage Maddie and Kendall performing Lost Ones!"

 "Good luck, bro," Maddie whispered to Kendall.

 "Same to you."

 They walked onto the stage. Kendall took in many deep breaths, to calm herself down. Then, the music started. Maddie and Kendall glanced at each other many times out of nervousness. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

 At the ending pose, the audience stood up and clapped. Alex, who was in the front row, gave them two thumbs up. The girls got up and walked over to Kevin Manno with big, bright smiles. "Judges, what do you think?"

 "Maddie, Kendall, we all know you guys are amazing dancers and best friends." Maddie and Kendall smiled at Abby's compliment. "And because you two are best friends, you look at each other a lot. You can tell that you two are best friends. However, I didn't really get a story. I feel like I was watching two dancers being friends with lazy costumes. The costumes go great with the piece, just not the performace."

 Maddie nodded. She always used her face.

 Kendall sighed. First week was the worst week.

 "Maddie, Kendall, I enjoyed watching you two dance, technique wise." Richy sighed. "The piece does not deserve a finger wave." The audience giggled a little. "You two have the chemistry, just not with the audience."

 "I thought you guys were fabulous. Your technique was amazing, I just thought you guys could have connected with me a little bit more. Other than that, amazing. I'd keep you guys for another week."

 "Thank you so much!" Kendall exclaimed.

 The two girls rushed back stage. "We just blew that all up, Kend." Maddie sighed. "At least we still have the group dance. Just make sure to connect with the judges." Kendall nodded. The two girls hugged before heading off to the Green Room to get ready for the group.

 "Up next, we have Zack and Chloe performing a tap duet. It is about the Grammies and to the Justin Timberlake song, Suit and Tie." The audience cheered, cutting Kevin off. "Please welcome to the stage, Chloe and Zack!"

 Chloe crossed the stage to the other side silently. "I have to hit those pirouettes," she thought. "I'll be dead if I don't." The lights came showing her face. She looked at the judges and smiled, remembering what they had said to Maddie and Kendall. Connect with them.

 The music started and she did a couple chanes to where Zack was. The whole time, she kept her eyes on the judges. She was to tell a story with them. She quickly glanced over at Zack and  it was time for her pirouettes.

 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... She stopped half way through ten, facing back. She turned around and continued on with the dance at ease. She made sure to connect with the judges, and they ended with a small apllause from the audience.

 "Chloe." Abby looked straight at her, expressionless. "You hold the record at the ALDC for the most consecutive turns in a row. You are also one of the best turners I know. What happened on that stage?"

 "I don't know," Chloe responded. "I forgot. I forgot to spot.''

 Abby nodded. "Well, okay then. I think you picked up right where you left off like nothing happened. I thought the rest of the dance was good. Except for one small thing. You didn't connect with each other and that's what made the dance. And, Chloe, I have to say, you never looked at Zack, and he was trying super hard to connect with you."

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