Ending Note

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Hello! If you have made it here, congratulations! You have completed this story. It took me over a year to write, which is a pretty long time, but I still hope you enjoyed it! Now, before we begin to go on to the important stuff, I just want to say one big, huge thank you for reading!

So here we go.

1. This book has been entered in the Watty Awards 2015. This means that if you please read this book every single day, (maybe just a chapter, I don't care!), vote for the parts you didn't vote for, or comment what you thought on the parts you didn't, please do! This is key for me to get in. I have way too many ghost readers.

2. I will be posting the sequel after I finish either my book Shucks or 20 Minutes from Love, both yet to be posted. Shucks is a Niall Horan fan fiction. It is about how he has a crush on a girl and tries to impress her, but ends up failing. It is a short story. 20 Minutes from Love is the sequel to One of These Days, another Dance Moms fan fiction. That you will like.

3. Please make sure to check out my other works! It will  be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading this long note. I hope you enjoy the sequel, when it comes out!

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