Chapter 33- Bowling

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It had been a long day rehearsal for every dancer. The dances seemed tougher and the teachers were being really hard on everyone. It stressed everyone out, especially Maddie.

She hadn't been picking up the choreography as fast lately, and she felt very far behind. She was excited to be dancing with Sophia and Brooke, two of the strongest dancers on the show, but at the same time very intimidated.

After everyone met downstairs in the foyer of the gigantic place, Abby clapped her hands together to get their attention. "Okay! So, we are going to make bowling tonight a little competition."

Everyone gasped and started to laugh. Competitions like these were so much fun and so funny to participate in. "The prize is two slices of pizza instead of one and a medium, instead of small, soda."

Everyone gasped again. Two slices of pizza? And a MEDIUM soda? That was really something. "This will be like a tournament. We will have eliminations, and this will give me a little more of your competitive side. Everything is set up, and these are your teams, or the people you are going to be competing against. Team 1 is Asia, Autumn, Brooke, and Chloe. Team 2 is Jojo, Lucas, Kendall, and Mackenzie. Team 3 is Maddie, Mia, Paige, Sophia, and Zack. Let's get going."

Everyone walked outside into the warm California air. A slight breeze wafted through the air. Everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time, just what Abby intended.

The bowling place was packed. There was an area all the way down set off for the group. There were three lanes, and bowling balls with the dancers' names on it.

"Okay, everyone, get set up, them we will start! You can bowl at the same time, I will come around and see how you are doing. Get going!" Asia picked up her bowling ball and squinted. Luckily, there were bumpers for them.

She rolled the ball down the lane. She successfully knocked down seven pins! Asia shrugged and picked up the second ball, rolling it down the lane carefully. Score! She got a spare.

Autumn was next. She rolled the ball. Eight pins down, but there was a split in the middle. Autumn groaned, but laughed. If she could get one down, maybe she could get the other. She rolled the ball and it hit one pin smack in the center.

Next was Brooke. She smirked to herself as she lifted the ball behind her and released it. It gained speed and hit the pins right where she wanted it to. It caused a strike! She pumped her fist in the air and Chloe high fived her.

"Guys, get ready for the master," Chloe told them. "Just kidding, I suck at bowling. Here we go!" She lifted the ball past her head and rolled it down. She only hit one pin. One. She shook her head and rolled it again, this time, hitting three more.

Brooke laughed at her grumpy face. "See? I suck!" Was all she kept saying. Chloe sat down at the table and watched as Asia scored yet again, another spare.

Meanwhile, group 2 was having a lot of fun themselves. Jojo got a strike. "Hah!" She yelled at them all. "I'm gonna get two pieces of pizza, and you are all gonna cry when you don't!"

Lucas smirked to himself. "I'd be quiet, Jojo. Watch the master." He rolled the ball down, hitting nine of the pins. "Watch me get a spare," he told her. He successfully hit the remaining pin. Jojo rolled her eyes as Kendall grabbed a ball.

"I don't want to do this, I am gonna embarrass myself," she groaned. Lazily, she threw the ball onto the platform and watched as it rolled, hitting one pin. "Ugh!" She yelled to herself. "I'm gonna get like none now." She rolled it properly, and watched as it hit one lonesome pin. "Of course! Your turn Kenz!" Kendall plopped down in a seat and rolled her eyes.

Mackenzie nodded as she stood up. "Okay, Kenz, you got this. This is easy. Just roll the ball and knock down pins. Go!" She rolled the ball, knocking down six. "Yes!" She cheered. However, three were on one side and one was on the other. 

"Okay, Mackie Wackie, go for the three pins. Remember, do it for the pizza!" She rolled up her sleeves and then rolled the ball, hitting the three pins. "Yes!" She cheered again. 

Over on the last group, they were fighting over something. Maddie just hit five pins and knocked down the other four, while Mia got a strike. Maddie claimed the two bowled in the wrong order, and Mia's was hers. 

"Maddie, A comes before I. This is alphabetical order. I am obviously after you!" Mia rolled her eyes, not in the mood to fight with her anymore. This was supposed to be fun. 

"Fine!" Maddie yelled back. 

Paige went on to knock down four pins, Sophia knocked down eight, and Zack got a spare. Everyone else was in a good mood. Mia was upset and Sophia tried comforting her. 

"Alright, we got our Top 6!" Abby announced at the end of the bowling. "The top 2 from each group was selected. We have Asia, Brooke, Jojo, Lucas, Mia and Zack!" Mia smirked as she looked at Maddie's upset face. 

"Okay, let's have Jojo, Lucas, and Brooke at this one and the other three over here. I want to go in order. So first, Asia will go, then Brooke . After that, Jojo, then Lucas, then Mia, then Zack. The highest scoring will get to go on to the finals!"

Everyone cheered as they watched the six. Brooke got six strikes in a row at one point. Asia started messing up badly. Jojo, forget about her. She did terrible. Lucas did okay, but wasn't good enough. Mia came close to being in the top. Zack didn't leave a single pin standing. After the game Abby smiled. 

"Congrats to Brooke and Zack! You'll guys play for the prize." Brooke smiled and rubbed her hands together. She had this in the bag. She was Brooke, and she was talented. She had this. 

The two battled back and forth for a while. Until finally, Brooke was declared the winner! Everyone gave her a hug and she licked her lips when she saw two pieces of freshly baked pizza. 

Everyone talked to each other and just had fun. It was one of the most fun days at the competition to date. Everyone bonded and let loose. This made a lot of them realize that this competition wasn't just about winning. It was about getting to know the other dancers and to ? learn to have fun. 

I'm back! TTBQ is finished... Can you maybe check that out? Trying to get to 5k at the end of the month. Also, check out my ASHTON IRWIN fanfic Stranger please? And vote and comment and fan if YA don't mind. ;) thank you all! 

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