Chapter 26- The Fault in Our Barres

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Paige slumped down to the dining hall. Her room was boring and dull and lifeless without Travis. She was alone. It was a great, big room and she didn't have a roommate.

Paige walked into the dining room and dropped her bag. Her perfect ballet bun, pink tights, black leotard, and pink ballet shoes all made perfect since now. Rows upon rows of barres were lined up along the walls and in the middle of the floor. A chalkboard was set in a corner.

Paige rushed over to Chloe. She was trying to see if she can read off the board. "Paigey!" She exclaimed when she saw her best friend. "Are you okay?"

"It's really lonely in my room. His snacks he brought, including the mint ice cream, poof! Down the drain. I only have about another two hundred that my mom lent me. I don't want to spend it all on something useless."

"Like new makeup to impress him?" Chloe nudged her.

"Would you be quiet, please?" Paige nudged back.

The girls continued to talk quietly as everyone filled in. Paige turned around to see workers setting up glasses with grape juice and a fancy pasta dish that smelled so good. She took a sniff in and laughed. Chloe seemed pleased too.

"Girls! And boys!" Abby boomed. "I have a seating order for you! Please, sit where your name tag is."

Paige and Chloe got up and walked over to the table. Everyone was seemed at one side. Abby was the head of the table, then it was Maddie, Jojo, Brooke, Chloe, Zack, Paige, Kendall, Mackenzie, Tyler, Autumn, Lucas, Sophia, Asia, and Mia was all the way opposite of Miss Abby.

"Dig in!" Abby smiled.

That was strange.

After a few plates of pasta, and by a few there were about four, Abby stood up and wiped her mouth. She walked over to the barres and placed one hand on it.

"We will be doing some ballet technique and stretching. You will be placed in the barres based on who you are in a group with for this week's dances. Group 1 is Maddie, Jojo, and Brooke."

Maddie glanced at Brooke. Jojo was crazy. Why was she put with two people who were serious mostly all the time?

"Now, your dance is to the song Not About Angels by Birdie and it is lyrical. You guys have cancer and are slowly dying. It's deep. Jojo, this will be a challenge. Group 2 is of course, Chloe and Zack."

Chloe walked over to the barre she was going to share with Zack. She sighed and fixed her ballet shoe.

"Your dance is Acro. It's to the song All of the Stars. You guys are loss and trying to get home. Piece by piece." Abby smiled. "Group 3 is Paige and Kendall."

Paige and Kendall smiled and ran to give each other a hug. "Your dance is also acro. It's to the song Boom Clap. It's a jazz acro."

Paige puffed out her cheeks. Everyone had pretty lyrical dances, not jazz. She wanted one and was actually pretty jealous.

"Group 4 is Mackenzie and Tyler. Tyler, I know, this is weird. Dancing with a ten year old? Yeah. C'mon. It's gonna be a challenge for Mackenzie and you."

Mackenzie blushed and giggled. This would be weird. "The dance is Acro and to the song Let Me In. Mackenzie, you have a crush on him and are like, let me be your girlfriend! Even though there's a bit age difference."

Mackenzie laughed and Tyler looked to the side. "Group 5 is Sophia and Asia. It is lyrical." Asia smiled. This was new.

"Asia, you and Sophia are sisters in this dance. Asia, you are experiencing your first love. And you are telling Sophia all about it. The song is Tee Shirt."

Sophia gasped. It was her absolute favorite song! "And Group 6." Abby smiled at the three remaining dancers. "Autumn and Lucas." Autumn bit her lip. Yay. A boy.

"It's lyrical. The song is Best Shot. You are going through your first love. You are in love with each other. Can you guess what your both trying to do? Be the best to each other?"

Autumn nodded. This was awful. Boys have cooties.

"And lastly. My Group 7. Mia. A solo. It's acro and to the song Bomfalleralla." Mia raised an eyebrow. That sounded interesting. "It's a hip hop influenced acro. This week's theme is The Fault in Our Stars."

Everyone clapped and smiled. "Now, place your left hand on the barre."

Tyler placed his hand on the barre. It fell apart. "Ms. Abby! This barre fell apart!"

Ms. Abby placed her head in her hands. "Well, there's a fault in our barres."

Pun intended, completely.


BAHAHA sorry for my slow updates #writersblock see YA Friday, maybe? Like 9:00 et? :)

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