Chapter 32- Interviews and Nervousness

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Asia woke up with a start, again. For the past few nights, she had been having nightmares that she would be cut from the competition. Her mom promised her she would take Asia rollerskating once if she won.

Asia glanced over at the clock. 4:42 AM. Asia groaned and rolled out of her bed. In fifteen minutes, she would have gotten up anyways. She picked out her outfit for the day, making sure it was precise. Yellow sports bra with black straps that crossed in the back, matching yellow shorts with black waistband, and a yellow bow. Yellow, yellow, yellow.

Quickly, she stepped into the shower, careful not to wake up Sophia. Sophia was nasty in the morning when she was tired. She was pretty nice, but then she was also snippy in the mornings.

After a long shower, Asia was ready for the day. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV, where it was channeled to some channel called Dance Channel that only few people knew about.

"We have reports that Abby Lee Miller has some ideas about who is going to win the competition she is hosting. The prize has changed to $100,000, just that. The winner will also be the new face of ALDC LA."

Asia gasped. No one knew they were potentially going to have to change studios! For the ALDC girls, they at least were able to stay with Abby. But what about the rest of them?

"We have contacted Maddie Ziegler. Maddie?"

The reporter stood next to a screen with Maddie's face on it. The room they were staying in was in the background. Maddie was in her dance clothes and the shower was running in the background.

"Hello, Maddie! People have said you are a competitor on the show. How has it been so far?" The reporter had a fake smile on her face and Maddie looked extremely uncomfortable. And tired.

"Hey everyone! The show has been really fun. The people here are great. The dances have been amazing so far, especially the group dances. And the nerves are really high. You never know if you are going to be on the bottom."

"What dance are you doing this week?"

Maddie smiled. "Well, I can't give out too much detail, but I do have a trio with two really amazing people." She laughed and scratched her arm. "I have to go now, since we are about to learn our schedule for the day."

"Okay. Thanks, Maddie!"

The connection was lost and Asia shut off the TV. Of course, Maddie got the interview. Sophia stumbled out of her bedroom, rubbing her eyes. "Hey, Asia. Maddie told me she had an interview. How was it?"

Asia shrugged. "It was an interview."

Sophia laughed and took a strawberry from their fridge. "Okay. I gotta go get ready. Can you get me a glass of water please, so when I come out it's ready." Asia rolled her eyes and laughed. Sophia's usual glass of Daily Morning Water.

Once everyone got to the theater, the room was silent. Abby was late, but she was eventually there. Her hair was a mess and she was out of breath. "I think she was running for once in her life," Paige whispered to Chloe. Chloe laughed and turned her attention to the stage.

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