Chapter 31- The 80's

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Room B was officially closed for business and both Atwood boys were gone. After the competition, it was weird not having them for the annual movie after the competition. Usually, Abby would have a Celebratory Movie Marathon while the loser packed up, waiting for the cab to the nearest hotel. After getting the private jet back to the airport, the person would leave, sadly.

Zack and Lucas looked around them at all the girls who gossiped and stretched. Zack was horrified. With the two other boys, the four were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Now, they were nothing but two weak boys who looked like they walked in on the wrong ballet class.

"Lucas, come here!" Mia called.

Lucas shyly walked over, rubbing his head slowly. Mia laughed with someone on her phone she stared at. "This is my mom, and Mom this is Lucas. Lucas is the roommate I got paired up with."

"Ahh, so you're the infamous Lucas! I hate my name, so please, just call me Nara." Nara smiled and so did Mia. "Well, Mia, I have got to go to dinner now. Bye, be good Mia, have fun!" She hung up the FaceTime.

Mia sighed and shoved her phone into her bag. Her face was red and she looked like she was about to cry. Lucas was concerned, he never sees Mia like this. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. My mom goes on dates all the time with this guy. His name is Paul. She really likes him, but I kind of don't. He is honestly a jerk. I think he doesn't deserve my mom. He hates me dancing."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know this, Mia. When did this all happen?" Mia smiled and brushed back her hair. She never told anyone about this because she was embarrassed.

"A few months ago. They hit it off at a bar I guess." She scrunched her face and laughed. "Anyways, what's up with this place? There's a disco, and I'm kind of scared."

Someone laughed, causing Mia to practically jump out of her skin. It was Abby. "Funny thing you asked Mia. Everyone, come here, and sit down." Everyone dropped what they were doing and sat in a circle around Abby. "This week is the 80's. To celebrate, we are going to have a disco."

Everyone gasped and laughed with each other. Abby pulled out a rack of clothes with wigs and big, purple pants. Everyone rushed up to get one. They each had their names on it. Abby was pleased to see everyone was so excited.

"We are going to make a little fun out of this. We have a few songs we are going to play. While playing, we are going to drop hints of what your dances will be. See if you can figure it out. Everyone, go and dance!"

Everyone ran over to the dance floor and waited for the music to start. "Loooooook up here!" Abby shouted into a microphone. She held up a pair of jazz shoes. "This song is dedicated to Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia." The classic song "Take on Me" started to play.

Maddie, Brooke, and Sophia danced in a circle with each other. "I think we have a jazz trio to this song!" Sophia shouted over the loud music. She laughed as Brooke spun the two around.

"Same!" She shouted.

The three continued to dance as they eventually learned the lyrics. "Do a lift!" Maddie shouted. "Lift Soph!" The picked her up and did a Jesus lift, almost dropping her. The three laughed at the end.

"Ok, this next song is dedicated to Chloe and Zack." She held up tap shoes and the popular song, "Love Shack" started to play. Everyone oohed and Chloe blushed.

"May I have this dance?" Zack asked.

"Sure!" Chloe replied, laughing.

They did the Tango in a humorous way, earning laughs from their small audience. With a whoosh, Zack dipped Chloe, making her laugh even more. Zack felt so happy around her, she was a best friend.

The song slowly died out, making everyone sigh. They were having so much fun, but couldn't wait to see what the next song brought. "This one is called Tender Years, and is dedicated to Paige!" Abby held up a pair of tap shoes again.

Paige wrapped herself in a hug and swayed back and forth. "You are so beautiful, Paige," she whispered to herself. "I love you so much." She made a kissy noise, making Chloe die from laughter. Brooke shook her head at her sister's antics.

She swayed with herself for the rest of the song. Paige laughed and Chloe was practically on the floor. "Well, I am going to be a loner for life with 12 cats, so, yeah!" Paige shrugged and laughed again.

"Okay, Paige. You had your fun. But now, this song is dedicated to Kendall and Jojo." Jojo squealed. She loved Kendall! "This is The Devil Went Down to Georgia!" She held up a a pair of tap shoes. Kendall laughed. She knew who was going to be the devil right away.

The song came on with a catchy beat. Kendall and Jojo started doing some fork of country dance. "This is a disco, not Line Dancing Night at Farmhouse Freddie's!" Abby shouted over the music.

"Fine!" Jojo yelled back. She started doing disco moves while dancing a hoedown. Everyone was laughing. Surely this was the best night ever at the competition.

The song ended and Jojo stuck out her bottom lip. It was so fun! "This song goes out to Mack Z and Autumn!" Mackenzie smiled and walked over to Autumn. "Hope you all enjoy I.G.Y." Abby held up a pair of jazz shoes.

Autumn and Mackenzie just danced to their song. It was actually a fun song, even though it was long. Surely it would be cut, otherwise they were in deep trouble. Maddie smiled at her sister, but was a little jealous.

Maddie had tried to be with Mackenzie a lot, but was always blown off. Mackenzie seemed to prefer Autumn over her. Maddie knew she wasn't the best sister, but she was usually always there for her sister.

"Mads, come on! Dance!" Autumn urged.

"O-okay," Maddie replied.

She did a little jiggle and was releived when the song finally ended. She watched the duet partners with so much jealousy, it was unhealthy for her. How could she win Mackenzie back?

"We are almost done!" Abby announced. "Asia, this is your song. I Will a Survive!" Abby lifted a pair of jazz shoes back up and Asia started to dance crazily. She pulled Sophia out with her.

Asia was into the song and style of the dance. She knew it was perfect for her and couldn't wait for the choreographer. Her dance had to be spectacular to be able to continue.

"Okay! This song goes out to Mia and Lucas." Mia smiled. She loved Lucas. "This is Your Love is Driving Me Crazy!" Abby held up another pair of tap shoes. Mia was so excited for this dance.

They danced together, Mia feeling on top of the world. Lucas and her have gotten even closer, which she was gratefull for. Kendall smiled lightly as she watched the two have their fun.

Mia saw Kendall's distraught face and let go of Lucas' shoulders. She just danced with him, making Kendall seem a bit lighter and happier. Hopefully their duet would be okay.

"Last song goes out to everyone with every style! It's the last song of the night! The Heart of Rock and Roll!" A Huey Lewis song started to play, and everyone jammed out to it.

At the end of the song, everyone sighed and wined. Something did smell good though, and it was dinner! A steak dinner to be exact! Next to the plates were the list of dances.

"Does everyone know what they are doing? The song was dedicated to the people in the dance, the song is the song you are dancing to, and the shoe I held up was the style?"

"Yes," everyone answered in unison.

"Good!" Abby replied smiling. "Happy 80's!"


hello everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter :D i am super excited for 80's week! anyways, i have an announcement to make. this story seems super long, don't it? well, this book will be split into a 2-part series! when this book will end, you won't know, but will find out when it ends when i put at the end of the chapter:

End of Book 1.

followed by a huge author's note in the next chapter. ikik, that sounds really strange, but i had this really good idea that just needed to be split into two. plus, this would be like 78394027582390578937589 chapters if i didn't stop it. thanks for the understanding, and enjoy the rest of this book! vote and comment please:)

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