Chapter 6- Liar, Liar

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The ambulance came in a rush. At this point, everybody was crowded around Chloe. Paige was holding her hand and whispering good fortune to her to make her happy. Chloe still kept rubbing her ankle.

 When the gurney came in, Chloe and the two nurses started laughing. Everyone looked at them strangely and started whispering to each other. "Guys, Abby, she, she, she had me do this! She wanted drama for the producers!"

 Zack looked at her with a hand over his heart. He was standing next to Paige who was shaking her head. "You scared me half to death, Chloe! I though I was going to have to perform a solo, on my first week! With tap!"

 Chloe laughed. "Okay, so now I must get up and say, 'Haha, I pranked you all!' So, haha, I pranked you all!" Chloe said while standing up. The two nurses walked out while shaking her head. Abby walked out and high-fived Chloe.

 "Rehearsals will resume with Kalani and Tyler. Paige and Sophia and Autumn, rehearsals will begin at 8:15 until 8:30, remember? Yes you have. Get lost." Abby walked back into her room and started plotting another trick to throw on the dancers.

 Kalani and Tyler walked to their rehearsal with Alex. Alex smiled as they walked in. "Welcome to my rehearsal. Maddie and Kendall, they have some work to do and I hope you guys can lighten up my mood. This dance is about two superstars who sing totally different. You both fall in love in the end. So, let's begin."

 Kalani and Tyler looked at each other, realizing that they were going to have to act in love this week. "So, Kalani, I want you to start off to the side. Go, chane, chane, pique, fouette, chane, chane, pique, fouette. And Tyler, I need you to do four back walks then turn and aerial. Then, two more back walks."

 Alex gave them a lot of partner work. "It's about the trust," he explained. "You need to have it or else it won't work out. Let's run it one more time." Alex put the music back on and the two got in their starting positions.

 "And, aerial! Aerial! Travis, straighten your legs on those walks toward Kalani! Trust Travis, Kalani! C'mon, from what I have heard you two are sharing a room together! You should trust each other by now!"

 At the end of the dance, which they had finished, Alex gave them each a hug. "Hey, just fix that one little correction I yelled at you both for, and we can just clean it up. Ready, guys? Let's do it. On the count of three, shout 'Love Story!' Ready, 1, 2, 3, Love Story!"


At three, all the dancers met in the theatre. Maddie and Kendall sat next to each other holding hands, nervous to perform. They hadn't even finished the dance yet, and they were supposedly going to perform in front of Abby. The dance was very difficult, probably the hardest dance the two ever performed.

 "Alright, everybody, we are going to go in order of the competition performances. First, we have Maddie and Kendall performing their duet 'Lost Ones.''

 Kendall and Maddie both stood up. "Good luck," Maddie whispered.

 "Good luck, girly," Kendall said flashing her a smile.

 The girls walked to their starting positions. "Circle, up, chase, leap!" Kendall whispered to herself while facing the dark red wings. The music started and the two danced to the best of their ability. Kendall even remembered that part that she kept forgetting and Maddie didn't freak out when she had to lift Kendall up.

 Then, it was the dreaded turn.

 The two girls did their prep then started to turn. Al a second, al a second, fouette, three pirouettes, fouette fouette, and calypso. They nailed that. The next part came in a flash. Chaine, chaine, aerial. The two girls landed on their knees and held hands but got up again, reached out to nowhere, and did their prep.

 Fouette, fouette, double. front attitude, chaine, chaine, chase, grand jete. They landed on their knees, rolled around on the floor, kicked, got up and ended where they had finished. the two girls did an Italian fouette in their jazz shoes and ended.

 Abby got up, and walked over to them. "No competition here, everybody." She sat back down.

 Maddie and Kendall slumped off the stage. They weren't going to do well, at all. One of them was going to go home. They sat hand in hand, tears pouring out of their eyes as Chloe and Zack took the stage.

 The music started. Chloe remembered what Maud had told her. "Sass, it's all in the face. If the feet is more interesting than the face, you failed." She even winked at Zack a few times, leaving Zack blushing. But he had a crush on Paige, that was it.

 The next part of the dance they recently added on. They both did aerials and then did this fast shuffle combonation consisting of pulls, wings, and jetes. They nailed it, even Abby smiled when they were done with that part.

 "Well done, both of you. I don't think that you will 'win' this week, but between the two performances I saw, you guys were much better."

 "Thanks, Ms. Abby! That means a lot," Zack exclaimed while hugging Chloe. All the while he stared at Paige. He saw her bllush. Point for Zack Torres in the game of love. Chloe and Zack sat back down.

 "Now, we have Paige performing her tap solo." Paige walked on stage, feeling fully confident. She got in her starting position and went over the choreography. Chane, chane, scuff, pull ball change. That was executed well, she thought.

 As soon as the turn section came, Paige took a deep breath. Turning while tapping? Not her thing. She danced her heart out and even threw in the facials. Abby looked impressed and at the end clapped for her.

 "Paige, it wasn't the best tap performance I have ever seen. But for you, it was amazing!" Everyone clapped for her and she smiled even brighter.

 "I have to say I owe it all to Travis, though. He helped me out, since Maud gave him a few pointers on his solo. Thanks, Trav."

 Zak felt his cheeks getting red, but brushed it off. She wasn't dating him.

 "You're welcome Paigey. I love you."

 Everyone gasped. Paige blushed and rushed back over to sit next to Travis. They were sitting right in front of Chloe and Zack while holding hands. Zack fumed with anger and grabbed Chloe's hand. "We're dating, too!" he shouted.

 "What? No we aren't. I came here to dance only," Chloe said while huffing, She dropeed Zack's grip and moved down next to Paige. Everyone booed Chloe and shouted stuff like, "You just broke the kid's heart!"

 Chloe got up and left. She couldn't take all the shouting. Paige came with her.


It was six o' clock. Chloe had skipped dinner, no matter how many times Zack apologized. She cried into her pillow. Boys, she thought. They ruin everything, no matter what the situation is. A soft knock came on the door.

 "Chloeeeee, c'mon. You got to get up out of bed."


 "Why?" Chloe asked. "I have nothing to do until morning."

"Actually, we do," Paige answered back.

"We're learning an acro group dance to the song Papparazzi by Lady Gaga."


a lot of drama for chloe eesj

thanks for the support on this book! i appreciate ittttt.

sorry for the wait. but hey, i updated. :P :3

okay, now. get ready.

i need 6 votes and 3 comments for more. think you can help? Pwease?

lol, good morning/day/evening/night everyone.

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