Chapter 28- Pool

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Maddie took a quick selfie with Kendall and put her hair up into a messy bun. Chloe, Paige, Brooke, and Autumn had organized a pool party. They talked with Ms. Abby and were able to get a few snacks and stuff. Everyone was excited.

Maddie and Kendall raced to the elevator to the pool. They bumped into Sophia and Asia. Asia had an adorable bathing suit that Maddie and Kendall were even jealous of.

"I am so happy that the four of them organized this!" Sophia exclaimed. "I feel so distant from everyone, so I am really glad that we have this opportunity. I hope it all goes well, because if there is any drama, then I am leaving. I want more friends here."

They stepped out of the elevator to see Paige and Autumn pacing. "Autumn! You didn't invite the boys? What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry! You said to invite anyone I wanted to! I thought it was just going to be a girls only thing!"

"No! Okay. Sorry. Sorry. I am going to contact the boys. Why don't you make the punch or whatever. I am sorry I blew up on you." She rubbed her head and placed on an arm on Autumn's shoulder before walking away to call everyone else.

"Hi!" Autumn said like nothing happened. "Um, Abby gave us some rules. So, if you would like to follow me over here to where Chloe is. She will tell you, then when everyone gets here, we will put on music. Um, have fun?"

Brooke walked out of the pool. "Have fun? You mean have fun! Because we don't want to force them into having fun." Brooke nudged Autumn, which pushed her into the pool. The girls laughed and Autumn swam out, a sour look on her face.

"Okay. Yeah, have fun."

She smacked her forehead and ran over to the sherbet punch. Autumn finished making it and soon more people came. "Everyone is here," Chloe whispered to Autumn. She nodded and Chloe turned the music on full blast. Everyone was swimming, while the two girls hung out in lounge chairs by the big, glass window in the area.

"So," Autumn said quietly. "How do you feel about Maddie and Zack playing Hazel and Gus?" Chloe shrugged and watched as the two played Chicken with Mia and Lucas.

"I'm fine. Brooke is jealous, she thought it should have been her."


They sat in silence for a little longer. A slow song came on and Chloe smacked her head. Autumn laughed and watched Mia and Lucas pretend to dance with each other.

"Lucas and Mia would make an adorable couple in a few years," Autumn whispered to Chloe. Chloe nodded and laughed.

"Totally. I am still a little jealous of you, that you got to room with Mackenzie, and not a stinking boy. Why a boy? But I can't complain, he does practice the dances with me."

"Autumn and Chloeeeeee!" Brooke shouted as she grabbed their arms to bring them into the pool with her. She splashed them, and spun around.

"This water is so warm!" Autumn shouted over the noise.

"I am so happy!" Chloe joked.

Zack spun around and swam over to the three of them. "Hey, thanks for this, it is really awesome. See this?" He pointed to his bathing suit. "My party suit. Bye!"

Chloe laughed and swam over to Paige, who sat talking to Maddie. Maddie looked upset. "Mads, stop, you are an amazing dancer, don't worry."

Chloe tilted her head and Paige sighed. "We have some drama," she muttered. Maddie nodded and scratched her neck. "Maddie got a threat. From who? I don't know. But I guess it said if she doesn't turn the part down for Hazel, her life will be a living H-E-Double Hockey Sticks."

Chloe scratched her head. She knew Brooke was jealous, but she knew Brooke would never do that to Maddie in a million years. Sophia swam over and gave Maddie a hug.

"I heard what happened, girl," Sophia said.

Maddie tilted her head. "Soph, I only let these two know."

"The threat? You didn't tell Kendall? She said you did, how does she know?" Maddie glared in Kendall's direction who was talking to Lucas. "She didn't," Maddie whispered to herself.

"Oh crap," Paige whispered to Chloe.

"Kendall!" Maddie shouted. "How could you do that to me? Say that to me? That note you put next to my flip flops? Remember when we were talking, and you said you would never say that to me? Hm?"

"Maddie, I-"

"Am jealous? Yup."


"Then why?"

Kendall looked at the growing crowd. Autumn had shut the music off, so that way she could hear them. Kendall looked at Maddie, whose face had so much hurt on them. She ran out of the pool and into the elevator.

Maddie spun around and looked at Paige, who ran out to go get her. Another elevator came, and Paige slipped into it. Maddie shook her head and walked over to the food table to get her room key.

"I'll be right back," she announced.

Chloe stared at Lucas, who had an "O" shaped mouth. "I don't know what happened, but I'm gonna keep on swimmin'!" The boys laughed and swam after him, while the girls stood there, wondering if Kendall really did it.

"Ms. Abby, I demand a new room!" Maddie was standing in Abby's kitchen, dripping wet and her room key in hand. "Kendall is so... Ugh! She's jealous of me! Please."

Abby shook her head and laughed. "I have you guys set up like this for a reason. You are with Kendall because it has a reason behind it, okay?" Maddie laughed and shook her head.

"You don't get it, Miss Abby. She has always been jealous of me. I know she has. Just, please. Let me room with Paige! She'll be okay with it!" She handed Abby her key. "I can go pack now, and-"

"Maddie, stop. A no is a no. Please go back to your party at the pool. I know the girls would be upset if you left."


"Maddie." Abby gave her a look. She felt bad for Maddie, since she never was good with drama, but Abby felt like she had to keep her like that. Kendall and Maddie both needed to learn.

"Bye, Ms. Abby." She stormed out of the room.

Kendall continued to pack her clothes into the suitcase. She had a summer house here, with a key under the teddy bear on the chair, she could stay there. Her heart was racing, she never did that to Maddie before.

"Kendall!" The door burst open. It was Paige, who was still dripping wet and soaked.

"Go away," Kendall cried, turning her face. "I am leaving."

Paige sighed. "No, you are not. Kendall, all you have to say is sorry. Maddie is upset, but not to the point she will never forgive you. You are her best friend."

She pulled out her phone, which had Maddie on FaceTime. "Maddie, don't you agree with me?"

Maddie slowly nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry, Maddie," Kendall mumbled. "You just knew how much I wanted this part, from the moment Abby told us in private. I thought you would give it up. You have been on this TV show, that one, and I wanted to have this part."

"Kendall, you know I wanted this one, too. But you have a point. I'll talk to Ms. Abby again."

"Again?" Kendall asked, confused.

Maddie glanced to the side. "No reason," she said quickly. "Uh, bye!" She disconnected herself from Kendall and Kendall laughed.

"That's my best friend."

The whole chapter was 1279 words, that's why it took so long. PLEASE vote and comment for me! :P

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