Chapter 18- Another Week Flew By

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The day of the competition came by in a flash, that Asia didn't even know it arrived. Sophia had to wake her up by pouring a glass of cold water over her. When Asia woke up, Sophia smirked and gave her the outfit she had picked out, one Jojo requested. "Here ya go, jeans and a green shirt with a bow, requested by Jojo. Get dressed."

Asia picked up her outfit and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and change. The nasty hair stylist has criticized her in the past for her big and tangly hair. Asia didn't think it was that bad, sure a little snarly, but not too bad. She got dressed and met Sophia outside in the hallway.

Travis and Paige were walking outside, too, smiling about something. Sophia laughed and walked over to them. "Well, you two on speaking terms?" Paige shrugged and laughed.

"Yeah, we broke up because it was weird. We tricked everyone, saying he was a jerk and just broke up with me! He's more like a brother to me than anything, so yeah!" Paige told Sophia. Sophia nodded coldly. She still suspected something was going on with them.

"Oh, look, we are at the Green Room," Travis said awkwardly. Sophia's change in behavior shocked him and he thought she was being a little weird. They walked in, being the first ones there besides Chloe and Zack who were looking at something on his phone and laughing.

"Um, hi!" Sophia said quite loudly. "Will you two get off your phone? Abby will get mad if she sees you!" She laughed a little and Zack quickly shut off his phone.

Everyone filled in after that. After everyone came in, Abby came in with a rack full of costumes. She smiled at the kids who looked up at her with wide eyes. The costumes were covered in black garment bags.

"Welcome, to Week Three. Let's get started. First, I have Maddie and Tyler's costume." Maddie's costume was black leggings with a white tank top that stopped at her belly button with red suspenders and a red tie. Tyler had black pants that were moveable, a white T-shirt, and a red hat.

"Next, I have Chloe's lovely costume. It's very pretty." It was a red dress that flowed out at the bottom and a white belt that went across it. There were white polka dots on it and red gloves.

"Paige, your costume for Gary, Indiana." It was a white and red dress. The top part was white that tied in the back. The bottom was a big, feathery, red skirt. It was very, very pretty.

"Brooke and Bostyn. Party in the USA costumes." Brooke rolled her eyes and walked up to get them. Brooke's costume consisted of black shirts with a red busker on the back and a red tank top that tied in the back with red shorts. Bostyn's costume was the same, but in red.

"Kendall and Mia! You're costumes are gorgeous! Here you go!" The costumes were amazing. They had a blue tank top that stopped midway with a red floral see through design over it. They had a high waisted blue skirt that stopped just below their knees.

"Mackenzie and Autumn!" They were black leggings with blue blazers that had no sleeves and red sports bra under neath. Both of them had hats, but one of them was red and the other was blue. They also had bows on the blazers where the button would be. Jojo loved them and wanted it badly.

"Jojo, Asia, and Lucas, your costumes!" They were black harem pants with black shirts under. Jojo and Asia had a red jacket while Lucas had a blue one. They all had snap backs, too.

"Travis! I know all your friends will be jealous of this outfit." It was a black dress up shirt with a red sparkly tie and black pants with a black gangster hat. The boys all snickered as Travis snatched his costume angrily.

"Sophia and Zack, super cute costumes!" Zack had a red crew neck shirt with black pants and white suspenders. Sophia had a red sequined tank top that tied in the back and was tucked underneath a pair of high waisted shorts. The shorts had a white belt with a blue flower and fishnet tights.

"And lastly. The group costumes." The group was to the song "God Bless America." The boys had blue pants and no shirts, which all the girls were disgusted by. The girls had red sports bras that had a long neck and long sleeves. It had a floral design on it. They also had skirts that went all the way down to their ankles that were blue and had a white waistband.

After everyone got their costumes, they went to their mirrors. Jojo sighed as she sat down and started to brush out her hair from her bun. She was sitting next to Kalani's mirror that had no lights shining anymore. It made her sad since Kalani was nice to her.

"Jojo! I'm Eve, I'll be doing your hair for your dance today. Then, you'll see Carol for your makeup."

"Alright," Jojo muttered.

"So, today, I was thinking of doing a side ponytail, crimp it, and put in a red streak. I will be able to take it out for the group, but I think it'll look great for hip hop!"

Jojo shrugged. She was upset.

It wasn't fair Kalani had to go home this early. Jojo knew that she was going to make the judge's pay for it.

Meanwhile, Kendall sat in front of her lit-up mirror. This nice lady named Beth was putting in the most pretty hair style. It was curls and two strands of hair on each side of her face was tied back. It looked absolutely gorgeous.

Mia walked over to Kendall when she was done and put an arm on her chair. "Big day!"

Kendall smiled. "Yeah!"

"Just, Kendall, I want to tell you good luck. I know our dance is gonna do well!" Mia smiled before picking up Kendall's locket. "Who's this from?"

Kendall smirked. "Lucas." Something about it felt weird. She was barely 13.

"Ohh. It's pretty." Mia wanted it really bad. "Let's make a deal. If you don't get in the bottom four, you keep it. If not, I keep it. If we are both in the bottom four, you still keep it. Deal?"

Kendall raised her eyebrows. "Uh no!!"

Mia frowned. "Aw, okay. See you at the couch, we can run our dance over there!" Kendall pursed her lips and picked up the locket. Was Mia using her this whole time?

Kendall knew she was going to make Mia pay for it.


Uh oh! This got a little more interesting!! Who was your favorite costume?

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