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Lena Flores had never been much of a fan of sports.

Now, the idea of watching two men fight until grievous bodily harm was caused and someone hit the floor, it did pique her interest, and she wouldn't have said no to anyone asking her to watch.

But with Luther Hargreeves on the receiving end of those brutal punches, suddenly, Lena Flores was a huge fan of the sport.

Funny how opinions could change at the flick of a switch.

The huge man was up against someone who actually looked big enough to deal some real damage - and Lena was all for it.

The three of them were in an underground fight club run by Jack Ruby, the gangster.  Getting in had been a bit of an issue given it was a 'nasty place for women' - Five managed to sneak them in, and they'd managed to sit themselves near the front, the crowd too focussed on the fight going on and their money to be won to notice them.

Lena rested her arms on the wooden slats that separated them from the ring, while the opponents circled eachother menacingly. The crowd around them was raucous and loud. The fight had begun equally, but soon Luther ended up slacking, distracted by his emotions and letting the man strike him.

Lena was practically bouncing on her feet in poorly concealed excitement while Vanya and Five grimaced as Luther was punched in the face, then multiple times in the body. They were easy to block hits, but she didn't care why he wasn't fighting back, she was just here to enjoy it.

"He's pummelling him." Vanya exclaimed.

A pair of lips brushed Lena's ear. "You are enjoying this way too much, my dear."

She turned her head to stare up into Five's eyes. "I don't know what you are talking about." She commented back seriously.

She turned back to face the fight as Luther was picked up and thrown against the wooden barrier, falling to the ground as the crowd roared around them and she clapped along loudly, smirk never leaving her lips.

Vanya eyed her from the side, a bit confused by her reaction. "I'm assuming you and Luther don't get along?"

Lena watched the man hit Luther relentlessly, the grin on her face widening. "If you had your memory back, you'd be cheering along with me."

"Really?" Vanya was concerned.

Lena just shrugged while continuing to clap loudly.

Five shouted out, "Luther, are you crazy? Just hit him!" from beside her.

Lena swiftly slid an arm around his shoudler and covered his mouth with her hand, making him shoot a glare down at her. She gave him an innocent smile but didn't remove her hand, leaning against his side lovingly to keep up the appearance to the crowd and not arise suspicion. "Keep your voice down, honey." She patted his chest affectionately.

All of a sudden the two opponents backed away from eachother and Luther staggered, clearly tired. The man swung, delivering a sharp uppercut to his jaw and lifting him up from the floor, sending him flying backwards. He hit the ground already knocked out, and the booing and cheering became deafening around them as his opponent raised his fists in celebration.

Five pulled her hand away from his mouth and gave her a dry look, to which she winked. He rolled his eyes and pulled them to the side, away from the boisterous crowd so she didn't get barged into or knocked over.

They watched Jack Ruby shoulder his way through the crowd, face red with rage.

"Why didn't he fight back?" Vanya asked in concern.

"Who cares?" Lena asked bluntly back.

Five eyed her from the side, ignoring her. "Although my idiotic brother may have deserved what he had coming, it now means we're wasting more time - time that we don't have."

He pointedly glared at her to get his point across. She rose an eyebrow, leaning back against the wall nonchalantly.

"I think our time has been quite well spent."

Albeit the dismayed expression clouding his features, she did catch a glimpse of his lips rising at the corners in amusement before he shook his head.

"Maybe it's best Vanya's the one who tries to talk to him."

Lena eyed him amused. "What's the matter, you don't think I'm capable of having a civil conversation with your brother?"

"No." He shut her down immediately and her smirk grew as he pointed at her in warning. "Because Civil is not in your vocabulary."

"It is, actually," she swatted his hand away from her face, leaning in challangingly. "In both español y inglés."

"Yes, and I've known you long enough to know that both of those translations involve violence."

All she did was stare at him innocently, drumming her fingers on her arm with a dangerous red glow glittering in her eyes.

She was going to make no effort to refute that statement.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now