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Lena awoke, the burning in her chest as prominent as the pounding in her head, to the sound of Vanya hyperventilating. She was covering her ears with her hands as she valiantly stared at the locked door.

Lena weakly pushed herself up, ignoring the slight tremor in her limbs as she called out her name.

"Vanya." She whispered coarsely, but the woman didn't look at her.

She managed to crawl in front of her, eyeing her skin become unnaturally pale right before her eyes.

Hers widened as they flickered up to her face, changing between the usual soft brown to a stark white. She looked frightened, shaking just as she was.

"I don't know how to stop it." She closed her eyes tightly.

Lena's mouth went dry as the walls arpund them started to shake. It felt like there was an earthquake happening, the glass in the door suddenly fracturing, cracks covering the glass like a spiders web branching out to the edges.

Her head jolted up as Vanya stood, and she took a cautionary step away as the air seemed to pulsate with some kind of energy that came off in waves from her body.

Just like at the cabin.

Sparks flew around the door as the metal creaked, breaking open by some incredible invisible force with such a loud slam that Lena covered her ears with a flinch, the noise hurting her head.

Vanya stilled.

She looked at her, eyes wide, and noticed her eyes were white as she stared at the now broken open doorway.

Slowly, she turned to look at the girl who attempted to keep her expression calm so that the woman didn't think she was afraid of her.

Her movements were careful as she looked Lena in the eyes and stepped closer.

She was oddly entranced by her change in eye colour and swallowed nervously as the woman raised a hand slightly by her side.

Her breathing hitched as she heard a click.

A weight fell from around Lena's neck, clattering to the floor.

She looked down.

The shock collar lay between the two, snapped in half at the panels that locked together, metal plates lining the inside and charred bits of blood sticking to it.

Bile rose in her throat as she stared down at it, inhaling deeply.

Vanya had broken it off.

She raised her hands to her throat, fingertips running along the raw, scratched skin. She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, heart pounding, and stared at Vanya with a new light in her eyes.

Vanya turned and began to walk out slowly, a newfound confidence in her. At once, things started creaking and crumblong around them under the pressure of her powers.

Lena hesitatex, shock freezing her to the spot.

She broke it off, she broke it off, she broke it-

It isnt until the ceiling around her began trembling that she pulled herself out of the room, Vanya nowhere in sight. Things shook and sparked dangerously as she made it upstairs through the elevator with flickering lights, jogging as fast as she could through the crumbling corridors.

Her breath came out in short gasps as she looked around, having to jump away from the windows that exploded outwards in a wave of broken glass.

Her legs carried her through the building, stumbling down the stairs as she made it to the foyer, nearly tripping over the cracked marble.

Something above her cracked loudly and she flinched hard as part of the ceiling fell right in front of her. She span around, looking for a clear enough exit with the door obstructed and sprinted through the debris. She climbed over the windowledge, shoes kicking out the jagged glass sticking from the frame and her feet landed on concrete.

Her heart lurched in her throat as what's left of the building collapsed behind her into to rubble, fire picking up beneath the brick angrily. She sheilded her head as dust and rocks flew out at the impact of the main bulk of the building falling in on itself.

Lena backed away and stayed behind a smashed up car, not daring to approach the rubble at all, knowing that the Hargreeves siblings would be there.

She prayed that Five would show up soon. Darkness loomed over them as she sat against the vehicle, exhausted, and reached up to touch the side of her face. She hissed in pain, pulling her hand back to see blood seeping through, having pulled against some of the stitches.

She wiped it off on her sleeve as sirens rang out all around the building. She tensed, palms warming as she look around and saw search lights and the buzzing of helicopters.

Swearing in Spanish, her eyes darted to a path that led behind a still standing fence, and she ran in that direction. All she could think in her head was where would she find Five? She ducked under tree branches and raced down the dark street, shoes slapping on the concrete.

She had to pause behind an alleyway two streets over and catch her breath, hand shooting to her neck and the marred skin as she did.

Her mind flashed back to all those stories that Five told her about; places him and his siblings used to go when they had the free time. Griddys was out of the option and it had to be somewhere within walking distance.

She couldn't think of any reason the others would go to the library and settled on the only place she could think of: the bowling alley.

Lena speed walked her way in the direction she knew it to be - she remembered it's shattered remains and broken neon lights filled with ash and dust. Five would most likely get them to regroup there, somewhere they all know well. Somewhere in the public eye just enough to be inconspicuous.

With a newfound energy and anger, she went to find them.

PYROMANIAC - (Umbrella Academy) X Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now